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Everything posted by Voodoo

  1. Just got a text that atv's are tearing up a landowners lawn. Headed to pull stakes. Think sledders are stupid, wheelers are even dumber. I don't think they can even read. I'd like to shoot a few and hang them on the side of the trail.
  2. If you get punched in the face and swing back, did you really start a fight?
  3. %100 The pro gun people have learned much from the pro abortion crowd. Don't give an inch, even if it causes harm. The pro abortion people saw what can happen to hard earned rights when the wrong people gain power.
  4. Nice! Does the shooter have a go fund me? Im in. Might make these criminal cunts think twice. Nice shooting too..plugged him with a hand gun while the criminal was running. I will buy him however many rounds he spent…
  5. Yes. %100 yes. There hasn’t been a balanced budget in decades, let alone one that pays off debt. There is only one way to pay off debt. Spend less than you take in, and pay it off. Figure that shit out I apologize to my nieces and nephews. Me and my wife are actively trying to get land severed so they may have the opportunity to actually own a home. i didn’t vote for the cunts that got us where we are, I’m just trying to fix if.
  6. Will a red wave fix your debt problem? Will a blue wave? 34 trillion in debt. Run the numbers…. You are fucked We are not as bad, but will get there quickly.
  7. I wish it was. i live in Ontario, where our conservative government spends more than previous liberal governments. It’s new math, where debt means nothing as long as we can make the payment. You make the payment, but get less and less in return. Much like it will happen federally, interest on the debt will consume more and more of the revenue.
  8. Between that article and some of the posts around here, you are insulting the selfishly retarded.
  9. Sum bitch, 'yer into us for 321 billion lol. He's not wrong. Sooner or later the debt will consume all you have the ability to pay. Get your shit together before that happens.
  10. It's not...but it will be if you don't change course. 4 trillion in revenue, could be 2 trillion in spending, 2 trillion to debt servicing. 29 years @ %4 interest. This is not rocket science or discovery math. Instead it's 4 trillion in revenue and 6 trillion in spending. See the difference?
  11. Sure they aren't already out? That is really simplistic, like you drew it out with crayons on a napkin at daycare. The end result would be the same. Even if the government slate was somehow wiped clean, essentially telling social security, medicare, government pensioners etc, hey fuck you, remember that money we borrowed, well ya get used to cat food 'cause we ain't paying it back, the result would be the same as declaring bankruptcy. Inflation would skyrocket, the economy would likely collapse, other debt holders would come calling. Don't get me wrong, I think its a way out, just not as easy as calling up visa and saying screw you.
  12. We have the same problem here. The Toronto Police Service is running ads. 22 minutes to respond to a 911 call. Ive got a plaque, the average response time to a 911 call is 19 minutes, the response time to a 357 is 1400 feet per second. Choose your option. Government wants to neuter us and leave only protection from the state. I say no.
  13. Your national debt is blood on both parties hands. We are in bad shape, you guys are somehow even worse. Our national idiot has grown our debt by more than every other Prime Minister, combined. My provincial moron, a “conservative”, has out spent the previous 16 years of liberal governments. Not a balanced budget in almost 3 decades. It would take 2.5 years of spending nothing on anything but debt payments to bring us back to zero, or 25 years of a %15 cut in spending to do the same. Why does this not get through to people is my biggest question? We elect these people to make tough decisions, but ultimately they don’t. They make decisions that will get them re-elected, and we suffer. Then we do it again. Who is the bigger fool?
  14. 148 million to a pair of election workers for butt hurt. I can't wait until the convoy protestors sue Trudeau for defamation. He accused them of some pretty awful stuff. He should be begging for dimes on the street if there is any justice left.
  15. Not sure what you mean by "cancel the debt". One cancels debt by paying it off or declaring bankruptcy. Governments may cancel debt by printing money to pay it off, or declaring bankruptcy. There is no magic wand to wave around and have it magically disappear. Wish there was. If I could have stopped paying my mortgage at month two and told the previous owner, suck it Mcfly, it's mine now and I owe you nothing, life certainly would have been much easier.
  16. Never convicted of rape. He, like OJ is a not guilty man who got convicted in civil court.
  17. It's all fine and dandy to say you will pay more, I would too. Problem is we'd be the exception. Many are balls deep in personal and mortgage debt, inflation is killing them...then they realize as a family of 4, owe $400,000.00 in Federal debt. There is nothing left to make higher morality decisions.
  18. As I said before, she is a thoroughly detestable human being, who needs a cock permanently inserted in her word hole. She is somehow making the O'range diablo look more normal lol.
  19. Communism at work. Socialist paradise. Take a long hard look. This is the way forward, according to our Dope and your Drip.
  20. “You’re getting people worked up into a frenzy over this, and the notion that it’s going to be completely peaceful and there’s going to be no criminal activity, nothing bad’s going to happen, to me seems really, really misguided.” The criminal activity is already happening. This will simply combat it. I wish it were less of a "god movement" branded exercise. Dog whistle for the bat shit crazies.
  21. What colour is the sky in your world?
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