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Everything posted by revkevsdi

  1. No doubt. She's a bad person. I bet there are a lot of Dems that are really upset she is the nominee. But Trump is a horrible person, bad for business, bad for the armed forces, bad for international relations and trade. Lies all of the time. Just fucking continually. Hillary is a Liar. She's done bad things but if you compare Trump to her on a level playing field, he shouldn't even be allowed in the room when the adults are talking.
  2. You mean than actually rape them? You have a strange grasp on reality. Funny how Bill's accusations are rape yet Donald's accusers are questioned. Nice double standard. Not that I have a reason to doubt any of them. But don't defend putting an accused rapist in the white house just because he's on the republican ticket when you supported impeaching Bill for having sex with a consenting adult and lying about it. The really sad thing is that obviously Cruz didn't have the stuff for the job either. When you check on lying fact check the real shock is that Jeb Bush was more honest than most. But the Donald sure took him down.
  3. Back on topic.... That photo I posted is hard to deny. Intelligent women in business are using Trump as an example of what they have to put up with. If that was a meeting of men, Trump would have been shouted down and told to shut up. A man doing that would have been seen as strong. A woman doing that would be seen as shrill or bitchy or losing it. But when you see how many times he interrupted her. It showed a lot of control on her part not to lose it on him. I don't like her but it made her look like the far better candidate. Specially when you consider he didn't have anything to say except lies when he interrupted her.
  4. If that is your idea of owned....... I think you owned Trump because if they aren't remotely the same thing, why did your hero drumpf say he would release his taxes when she releases her emails?
  5. I have a brother in law like that. Thinks the reason everyone goes quiet when he starts to pontificate is that we want to hear what he as to say. Sad really.
  6. It's going exactly as I thought. None of you have even attempted to defend Trump not releasing his taxes. None of you are capable of explaining why her emails equate to his taxes. You aren't capable of seeing past your forgone conclusions to admit how much worse Trump is. There are very forceful arguments showing how Trump is working from Hitlers play book. But someone is dumb enough to compare Hillary to Hitler.
  7. That explains why Momo has a photo of Einstein as his Avatar.
  8. I am so sorry. If Trump had only lied 34 times to Hillary's 4 then obviously she is more of a liar. But at 36 by right wing math then it's a tie.
  9. Not yet and hopefully he doesn't have the chance. So you are just another one of those idiots who thinks a fair comparison is comparing mistakes made during public office with someone who has never held public office. But as long as that is your criteria, good for you. Donald has never made a mistake in public office. But then again neither has a chimp. Although it was close, the Republicans almost chose Reagan's co-star as their front runner in the 80's
  10. Sorry, I lied. It was 36 lies for trump. 9 times the amount of lies from Hillary in the debate. One of those lies was about releasing his tax returns. tsk tsk.
  11. I can see why. He is a dislikable piece of shit.
  12. This site is amazing. 0 votes for Trump as the biggest liar. I guess people were having too much fun sticking it to that shit head momo. But still 55% think Hillary is the bigger liar. Don't let facts get in the way on election day.
  13. http://www.guelphmercury.com/news-story/6880635-34-false-things-donald-trump-said-at-the-first-presidential-debate/ Case in point 34 for lies from Drumpf in the first debate to 4 from Hillary. Yet the supporters will say she lies just as often.
  14. Whoever wrote this and shared it Literally had no idea what Literally means. That's all? I couldn't give a shit what you give a shit about. But when Drumpf and his supporters compare Hillary releasing 30,000 emails with Drumpf releasing his returns, that is holding her to a different standard. She is by no means clean. But you don't really expect a secretary of State to release her emails to the public? Well, actually you probably are that stupid. It's only 15.00 and you had to hound Skidooski for it? are you fucking kidding? Then his buddies post over 1,000 emails without paying? Is that real? You should keep on to me about this. Call me names until I pay. See if it takes me as long to scrape together the $15.00 as it did Skicheapski.
  15. Yes there are. Once again you hold Hillary to a higher standard than her predecessors. But on a straight trade basis people demanded Hillary release her returns. Whether it was required or not as a show of good faith she did. Donald did not and then lied about his reasons. He claimed they could not be released during an audit. This was proven to be a lie. The bold proves once again that they are holding Hillary to a higher standard that Trump. Trump still fails.
  16. In case I missed it, has anyone been able to answer why Hillary having to produce her emails is = to Donald releasing his tax returns. If you are holding both to the same standards, Donald should be forced to match Hillary by releasing his tax returns. Then if he wants her emails he should release all of his. The emails of particular interest would be all the his dealing with the Russians.
  17. Trump doesn't say what's on his mind. He Lies. Proven time after time. They post comparisons online between him and Hillary. He is the most dishonest politician and he has only just started. We are talking he said , she said. We are talking outright lies that are easily proven. Not nearly equally. I'm not saying she is a good person. But Trump is a horrible human being that will be worse for the US and the world than Hillary. This is what I meant about not holding him to an equal standing. You want to take 20 years of bad moves and compare it to Donalds short time running. You compare her whole time working in and around public office. But want to separate his sucking from government purse in his private business. Once again, a Strategist, a volunteer and you hold her responsible. Trump lies outright about his opponents in the Republican primaries and Trump supporters lap it up. They even praise him for saying what's on his mind. Never mind that they are lies. It's kind of obvious that anyone in Russia with money who hasn't been imprisoned, is probably in with Putin. If Donald is doing business with them, you know they have leverage. Imagine if the Clintons had this many dealings with the Russians. What would the Trump supporters say about that? What's is cost. Yep. She is a bad person. She isn't such a bad person the most of her party won't endorse her. She hasn't been accused of Rape. She gets called a liar and sometimes it is true, sometimes it is innuendo. Trump lies, then doubles down on the lies. He has no experience, is a poor business man. Without Daddy bailing him out and dirty deals, he would have been broke years ago.. You mean you have 1,000's of posts and have been posting for months without paying? Yet on the first day back you want me to pay up? Is that what you call fair?
  18. Yeah! Because it's all about you. I have to get to work, Ill check back at lunch. But if you think people are holding Trump and Hillary to the same standards, please explain why Trump releasing his tax returns is equal to Hillary releasing her emails? Hillary released her tax returns. Anyone looking at a fair swap would demand Donald do the same before considering voting for him. If Donald wants Hillary's emails, he should release his. How many Presidential candidates have release their emails?
  19. Yeah, we knew that he'd have them locked up. But how are there so many of them?
  20. Isn't if weird that you use the word massive fraud and failure. How do you use those words in a contest between her and Trump. You aren't comparing them on equal scales.
  21. Not the Supreme choice by far. But think of it as a meal. You may be all high and mighty saying you want grilled salmon and a salad. You may tell your friend who ordered chicken fingers and fries that you'd rather eat poison. But if there is no food other than chicken fingers and fries, only a dumbass would choose poison just to prove a point. Depends how you define success. If you take it as a percentage of growth in net wealth from a specific starting point then I'm not sure you are correct. If you include in the ratings being able to do it without fucking over honest people that you deal with, then I'm sure you are wrong. If you include being able to stay married to the same woman without being accused of rape, then I'm sure you are wrong. It's a comparison. You basically have two choices and you aren't holding Trumps foundation to the same standards. Anyone who could think the last 7 years was worse than the previous administration is blind. US respect abroad went up until recently. Thanks Thanks Not the most scientific. What about when Trump got caught lying about the police said to him?
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