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Everything posted by airflite1

  1. I think I've brought up examples in the covid threads, the whole extent of pushing masks like they were going to save the world, when all science other than Political science shows not only were they worthless but the way people were using them was causing more problems than if they weren't used at all. In PPE training everyone there knew it was BS and even the OSHA personnel conducting the training confirmed it was BS, but told us we still had to continue to wear masks because we were in a federal building and it was the law.
  2. Just woke up and haven't had coffee yet.
  3. I'm just answering like the like The Admins that are constantly high, what, it's not as witty of a response as you expected? I've got cousins that were Pink Pussy hat marchers around the country, BLM supporters and covid Nazi's to the point it made them unbearable to be around, so I'm used to dealing with that attitude. Most liberals I've met are the most closed minded of any people I've met but are the first to claim they aren't.
  4. I really wanted an EV to leave at our second home, for me there were too many little issues for a car that would see sporadic use. I thought plugging it into an AC charger overnight would charge the car but was told to expect only a 25-30 mile gain without using a fast charger, also they said if I had a GIC outlet it would draw too much power and pop the circuit, that's a pretty heavy draw for 30 miles.
  5. Since this thread is about Bill, I spent two summers working in Hope Arkansas, if you ever are near there stop ion for coffee it will be quite enlightening.
  6. !2 KW would run everything in your house at once, there is very little chance of everything running full blast all the time.
  7. If someone in your circle strongly advocates for it, do you speak up, or do you only say you don't support it when talking to conservatives?
  8. II think with all the BLM and Antifa protests, people were itching to have a protest of different views, this was the first opportunity.
  9. I haven't checked for years, but Texas had always sent way more money to the Federal Government than they received, that was one of their reasons for wanting to secede from the Union, they could easily be self sufficient.
  10. Keep saying Stupid stuff Jimmy, you make laugh..
  11. Calvin & Hobbs kinda fit this year.
  12. All this talk about Clinton being a predator and nothing about Troopergate back when he was Governor or the fact he was sleeping with his babysitter and payed a big settlement, how about the goings on at his presidential library, Along with fucking his intern with cigars and blow jobs in the Oval Office, the guys kind of a creep, add to the fact Hillary tried to destroy anyone that spoke up. "Go Clintons"
  13. I got into a little trouble while in the Navy for Pot, the FAA told me another drug offense and they'd revoke my pilots license, so that was enough reason for me to quit cold turkey.
  14. I'd bet there's a lot of disagreement here, but with the acid it's all making sense, throw in a little meth and who knows what'll happen.
  15. I've never met an angry Stoner before, hell when I'd turn off the stereo it'd take a half hour before my wife would notice, and then it only left her confused to what happened.
  16. It's going to be a long flight to VT, CFK will probably be asleep before I get there, and the pizza will be cold. (not that cold Pizza would be turned down by a stoner).
  17. Now it makes sense, I thought he'd been taking estrogen and was now at Middle School girl level, I'll have to think of him on my ex wife level, she was a serious stoner.
  18. If there are, I'll be sure and post it here for you.
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