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Everything posted by Wildboer

  1. Sure he’s been sticking his foot in his mouth lately with the LGBTQ+ community. I’m literally one of them and I’m not offended so you certainly have no reason to be upset. Calling his early work racist is just plain stupid. Comedy really doesn’t suck you’re just old and not seeing it. Plenty of great specials on Netflix and Prime last year, it’s a golden age and you can say whatever you want as long as it’s actually funny.
  2. Corporations using the pandemic as cover to pad their bottom lines. It’s disgusting.
  3. It hasn’t gone anywhere, you whiny bitches just aren’t looking in the right places. We’re in a golden age of comedy right now and plenty of it is offensive.
  4. The fuck are you getting at? His racial work is some deeply insightful critique if you’re not a dumbass.
  5. Nor’easter supposed to hit Jersey next Saturday, should be good for business at the plow shop I work at and might even net me some OT.
  6. Hamas essentially tricked the population with a falsely moderate campaign in 2005, not to mention their only opposition was riddled with corruption and everyone there knew it. Now there’s a militia running the place and the civilian population is stuck between them and Israel’s oppression, whole thing is fucked and there’s not much we can do but push Israel into some kind of peace talks which seems as unlikely to happen as ever now.
  7. Trump didn’t invent it, this has been the Republican playbook for a long time now, he just seems to have perfected it.
  8. One of the greatest specials ever, the baby in the ghetto bit will never cease to make me crack up.
  9. Israel has no interest in a 2 state solution either and the Palestinian people are not Hamas, unfortunately there’s not much the civilians can do now to root out an armed militant group so the whole situation is fucked. I’m not supporting Hamas by any means, they’ve got to go. Doesn’t change the fact that Israel is an apartheid state restricting the flow of food and basic services like electricity. They have a fuckin iron dome to handle the rocket attacks they don’t need to starve the civilians to protect themselves. Given what you’re saying Hamas would destroy Israel and Israel would ship the Palestinians off to some other country like Germany did to the Jews and America did to the Indians. They’re even floating the idea out in the open now.
  10. Gaza has been an open air prison for some 15-20 years, I’d have to look it up to be exact, they’re starving the people with blockades and cutting the power on them at night. It’s a fucking ghetto, period.
  11. He’s one of the greatest stand ups of all time man.
  12. Can’t say I agree with him on much, but like ckf I would hate to see him gone so I’m not gonna question their decision.
  13. Hamas hiding there certainly doesn’t justify genocide. Israel is to blame for the problems in Hamas though, they’ve got the place locked down like a German ghetto like I said. It’s abhorrent. What do you suppose we do about it then? I say stop supporting the Israeli occupation with our tax dollars and force them to work out a 2 state peace agreement.
  14. Had some venison steaks with roast broccoli and mashed parsnips last night to ring in the new year and celebrate my dad and I getting over our stomach bug.
  15. I’ll have to watch it and see if it’s actually funny this time, the last one didn’t offend me but it didn’t really make me laugh either.
  16. Around here they’re still struggling to fill low and middle income positions
  17. Palestine’s the closest thing we’ve seen to a German ghetto since WWII and now they’re bombing hospitals and killing innocent civilians and women and children by the thousands. Yeah, it’s a genocide alright.
  18. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67855117.amp
  19. It's not hard to not go after someone's family, and that's literally the only rule, AND like you just said it isn't even really enforced. You're just looking for reasons to whine at this point. You took that seriously? Man you are dumb as a rock Damn, I always liked Spin, hope he comes back. I bet they don't mind when I take my forum vacations either, Seriously the persecution complex is so real and then they gleefully attack people. I'm back, for now, and I'd call myself a progressive even though the Dems disappoint me so. I've been getting a kick out of pushing their buttons, might just stick around for a bit.
  20. I'm enjoying pissing you guys off too much right now
  21. Jesus Christ, I disappear for months at a time and even I know the rules. It's simple and clear as fuck. Plus no one was even attacked here, you guys are some real whiny pussies sometimes.
  22. Happy New Years my dumbass brethereren!
  23. Got some evidence or you just going on feelings like a liberal here?
  24. No you've moved the goal posts from the US controls gas prices to "they are trying" Seems like you're trying too.
  25. No one's forcing you to quit eating meat or telling you what to drive, you guys just love being oppressed. Oil prices are global, the US is not in control of them. It's common knowledge among economists and people who actually know what they're talking about.
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