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Everything posted by Plissken

  1. Plissken


    That was me upon reading $93,899 boat owner complaining about $3 gas.
  2. Plissken


    As usual, Tony makes a glaring error in his analysis. He doesn’t seem to realize that the prices in gas buddy’s charts aren’t adjusted for inflation. Taking that into consideration, the retail peak price in May, 2018 of $2.97, when adjusted for inflation is actually $3.13. So we last saw > $3 gas during Trump’s presidency.
  3. What a bunch of horseshit, how is this any different from robbery? Also, fuck you Jeff Sessions..... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna784476
  4. In before JT re-tweets The Right Scoop linking the blood clot to a COVID vaccination.
  5. Yes, they would. Check out The Trial of the Chicago 7 on Netflix....great movie, honestly.
  6. Nobody thinks any less of Bush Sr. for throwing up on the Japanese Prime Minister.
  7. Oh yeah, I’m sure she’d be a huge help.
  8. My, how far he has fallen. Or is it they?
  9. I guess she is the smart one.
  10. Were you charged or cited with anything? In this case, Nazario wasn’t charged or cited with anything. Guns drawn and threatening that he would ride the lightning while pepper balling and kicking him to the ground seems like an overuse of force for no violation.
  11. Not sure what a countery is but start with this exercise:
  12. I’ll just let the Dunning-Kruger guy field this one.
  13. Those damn Minnesota oil speculators!!!
  14. You’re only one data point though. Maybe you’d like to check out crude oil prices instead, I’m sure that show how crazy things have gotten.
  15. Well, you’re a partisan hack, so...
  16. $.30 a gallon extra has you drinking yourself into a stupor on the daily
  17. Masks are super easy to wear unless you’re a pussy.
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