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USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by Crnr2Crnr

  1. what I find funny, is that Biden ended the extra $300 for unemployment, started vaccine mandates and (lmao) now "there are a lot of people resigning due to mandates " and there's no unemployment compensation for people who quit their jobs. what I find sad and maddening is that this country is truly F - U - C - K - E - D if we can't come together to stop/lessen/mitigate a 'weak little' Chinese 'flu-like' virus from dividing all of us freedom loving, greatest country god ever created, gun loving tough guys on this planet. tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of 9-11 where about 3K people died and we united then went to war (or two) over it, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor killing 2,400 american's which was amplified much by further american casualties in the Pacific theater, while the current Covid death count in the US (agree with #'s or don't) is 659K+ and we're literally fighting each other, over a fucking vaccine... rather than uniting to fight the virus? how fucking stupid are we? 'we' are losing, as 'we' are what the virus needs to thrive and survive, and the fucking virus is WINNING.... how does that keep alluding people? where's my Scotch?
  2. unless it's related to people of color or alternative sexual orientation... or those that seek an abortion? confusing... let me get a pen.
  3. ^stage one of vax denial^ ^stage two of vax denial^ ^stage three of vax denial^
  4. I'm all in on bringing back public executions in the town square. We still have my grandparents picnic basket to bring lunch along and if we had a good seating position, and with any luck... a severed head to put in it. What's wrong with striking a little fear into the minds of would be criminals?
  5. Stephen Hawking had more brain cells in his fecal matter than Abbott and a sense of humor. 😁
  6. why would they walk when they could fly? I hear American Airlines, Frontier and all the economy airlines are looking for pilots. They have options.
  7. Shame on us and all these first world problems we're experiencing. Bunch of pathetic whining pussies. Boohoo, I can't go in a private business that almost went broke during the lockdowns, boohoo, people don't want to cook and serve me a rack of ribs for minimum wage. Boo fucking hoo... to that I say... take Dr Dennis's advice.
  8. If no one is running Cat's in SX this season and they have to meet a minimum build quantity, maybe you can snag a new one cheap??? : 💡 Where's @fortune46x on all this mess, at the Lynx dealer picking up his new Rahvay?
  9. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-fedn-of-state-county-municipal-employees/summary?id=D000000061
  10. A little bird told me he's a big XC fan and goes to some races. But, he'll still defend the brand.
  11. Right If Herf goes too... good lord.
  12. I'd use a brand new blade for @fortune46x You unloading the RR at Hay days Greg? get that f'er out of your life before it's too late.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/511150558/posts/10161123799385559/ Wow, who tf saw this coming? Excited to see the 2022 Cat race sleds... 😂
  14. Yup, he's out. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10161123799385559&id=511150558
  15. Crnr2Crnr

    Ultimax Belt

    #3211165? doesn't Gates make the OEM belt? probably proprietary but I'd dig into that https://www.google.com/search?q=Gates+46C4387+G-Force+C12+Snowmobile+Drive+Belt+3211165+Carbon+Fiber+CVT&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS737US737&oq=Gates+46C4387+G-Force+C12+Snowmobile+Drive+Belt+3211165+Carbon+Fiber+CVT&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  16. wow, hope to see other manufacturers that profit from the work of trail/club volunteers follow suit well done Polaris
  17. haven't I already done enough damage?
  18. prediction let's hope Kloety, Herf and Selby keep the XC team relevant
  19. sadly for Cat fans, they're not a Cat team Cat now = also ran
  20. No way Interesting... And Elias @fortune46x? Haven't been on facecracktubebook much.
  21. LMFAO, a few bucks in a bar, several thousand more to clean up the blood and guts and perform an investigation. Freedom!!!
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