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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. https://www.amren.com/news/2020/07/one-punch-killer-is-let-off-with-zero-jail-time-in-homicide-because-judge-deems-he-had-a-positive-impact-on-community/
  2. https://dailystormer.su/black-posts-photo-kneeling-on-neck-of-girlfriends-white-son-black-teacher-says-to-kill-the-child/
  3. He does podcasts on his BitChute channel. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/4u5pMggbpv1R/
  4. At least one of them is coming up for parole. When this first happened some white advocates showed up in that town and the cucked out white people were against them because raciss...sick of these spinless black ass lickers..
  5. Like I said, you are the one that turned me onto how bad the black on white savagery really is. Then I started digging around and found good ole' Colin...
  6. https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article244442847.html They are globalist liberals who conserve Nothing.
  7. It is. These leftists are not going to change the trajectory this former nation is on. This November all hell is going to break loose.
  8. This has to be THE worst crime in the history of this country. And EVERY SINGLE BLACK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT. That's right, every. single. one. They CONSTANTLY blame the entire White race for everything that's ever happened in history. Time to start using their own deranged thinking Against them! This crime is a perfect example of Why there was segregation and Jim Crow laws. Anyone who says differently is a liar. George Floyd is a piece of excrement that should have been locked in a cage permanently after he terrorized the pregnant woman...He never should have been loose on the street to die of an OD in the first place.
  9. Someone is going to snap and take out a bunch of savages and the fake media will puke off about it forever...
  10. This video is banned on fakebook: http://theredelephants.com/facebook-censors-shocking-video-showing-the-truth-about-black-on-black-and-black-on-white-crime/
  11. It takes some serious doublethink to keep from noticing different group behavioral patters...
  12. This will just push more voters in his direction..
  13. NYT?! Total anti-American, anti-White propaganda rag. And very dangerous because the rest of the fake media spreads their garbage..
  14. Waste of money while the govt is raping state and federal land as fast as they can. In my state the last repuke governor really cranked up the destruction on the state land (which includes state parks, scenic areas, etc) and the current leftist POS governor hasn't changed anything... Federal land-same deal. They are so corrupt that they don't even follow their own fake forest plans that they themselves made up...and all their bullshit (changing the English language as well as flat out lying), is like something out of the old soviet union... The local environmental groups all seem to be obsessed with global warming (which they have no control over) or kissing black ass. No thought to the destruction right in front of their faces that they Could actually do something about... Typical clown world.
  15. Check this out, from Hollyweird: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jg5uZKMhhlL6/ Cool? Cringe? Creepy? New Normal?
  16. Can anyone explain why someone should vote for Biden-without mentioning Trump?
  17. The white guilt crowd comes out to virtue signal with their fake outrage... Where's the outrage over this?? https://vdare.com/posts/murders-of-paul-and-lidia-marino-by-black-gunman-down-the-memoryhole
  18. The leftist lack of self-awareness knows no bounds..
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