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Everything posted by ManOnManOral

  1. All that plastic in the oceans is not from canada, it is from places that do not have proper sanitation services like south africa, india and china.
  2. Liberals love muslim hate mongers, and spinfag sucks their asses.
  3. What idiot? Trudeau is the idiot that wants cardboard bottles.
  4. he is a billionaire and lives as such. Fuck you.
  5. this guy is a loser, but hey so are the dems.
  6. Robbing money paid for road taxes is common and a major contributor to poor quality roads. So, why be such an asshole fat jimmy?
  7. When you stiff the bank for 100k it is obvious you do not have the means to pay.
  8. I like trail vids when they are mine. The reason is I lived it and it brings me back to a great day i enjoyed.
  9. I know. They have no time for the gansta crap. The sad part is, many are forced to live amongst them. Old school hard working black MEN that perhaps never got the education or skills needed to earn enough to get out of the project. they are still good people just trapped by their surroundings.
  10. Which is a wonderful thing.Do you have yoga in the morning or is that on tuesdays now?
  11. Talk to the hand? WTF You are a washed up old fart.
  12. nope, don;t live amongst any niggers so i am stress free.
  13. You came into this thread with attitude and now act the victim. Fuck off douchebag. Read the shit you posted here moron, hell even this post shows how fucked in the head you are. Go find a safe space.
  14. Only if it stopped minorities from committing crimes.
  15. Oneof my best buds is a black guy from England, he has been here 45 years and hates niggers.
  16. No you won't. Your current wife will leave you, take the tiny bit of equity out of you current house and leave you with payments on a used MB. If you had half a brain you would already be retired. Instead you are a junior FA in a strip mall operation peddling mutual funds to blue collar workers. Fucking delusions are your only real asset. I would not give a rats ass where you were in life other than the fact you come on here and try to pretend you are a bller. You are a moron that lives on credit nd at times have failed to pay what you borrow, sofuck off.
  17. You mean the few properties your mom owns that you cut the lawn at, that family business. Fuck off you blowhard faggot/
  18. Loser trying to rationalize why he sucks at life, failed marriages, failed businesses, failed everything=massive failure that had to start all over at 60. You suck at life stoner.
  19. Money does not mean shit if you are not happy doing what you do to make it. Life is too short to be worried about buying that new car just to impress guys on a sled site.
  20. My wife works for me, wish she did not charge so much. Wolfie has to pay them to stay and then pay them after they leave.
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