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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. Full on war with China. Nuke all govt facilities. Bs
  2. Fuck the virus aid packages. Let it all collapse and fail. Im ready. Bs
  3. I recall in a economics textbook in college where it was claimed 37,000 American's die from every 1% increase in unemployment. Now I don't recall how it was calculated or where the author got the statistics but it doesn't seem all that outrageous, even from suicide and crime alone. The book was written in 1981 likely with populations much less than now. If unemployment jumps from 4% to 34% think of the losses. 1.15 million people using the old figures. As a nation we do and obviously will have to in the future take into considerations all impacts including economically when dealing with these outbreaks. Honestly this one wasn't as bad as we may eventually face. 20-30% of anyone and everyone could die in a really bad one. World is over as we know it if that occurs.
  4. I think Washington's numbers have been dropping. Given them another 2.5 weeks and they should really have a handle on it.
  5. 1/3 the country fucking hates him and says he's not their President yet hangs on every single word he says about this. That is 19 days from now. The gov's have more say in it.
  6. No different than now it will more be up to the states. Plenty will be able to, NY, NJ and a few others maybe not.
  7. There was a former police chief that passed that the media claimed was due to the virus. The family come out pissed saying that wasn't the case what so ever that he was very ill with other conditions. The media needs to stop this shit. If people dying have other illness' contribute its fear-mongering not stating that fact.
  8. We also need to look at who this really is putting in serious condition or killing. In the PC yesterday it still sounds like even if you are old you need some significant pre existing conditions to impact seriously or kill. Still have to be a balance at not overwhelming normal ER and HC needs in hospitals. Its not wrong to look into how we move forward.
  9. Not sure I agree with that assessment.....at least not for many of us. The second my children were born they were placed in my wife's or my arms. If the world is right my wife and I will be near them when we pass. Is this always the case...absolutely not....wasn't for my father as he died in an accident but it is in many cases.
  10. As should a spouse here. FFS's we are leaving liquor stores open. Lets use a little common sense here. 1000 people a day can risk infection to buy booze but lets not let a spouse with their loved one while they die. Its fucking ridiculous.
  11. Is this serious......yes. Do precautions need to be taken....yes. Is this like the virus shown in the movie Contagion or Outbreak.....NO. Vulnerable people are going to die but I don't think its death rate is to the point where we stop our humanity....its a part of this.
  12. Honestly considering how long they've been in there I think not allowing him to stay with his wife is going too far.
  13. I recall in an earlier press conference that one of them had experience in making ventilators. Maybe part of a strategic supply chain? As far as the face shields and disposable masks I think they could tool up and get into production rather quickly.
  14. It means natural weeding out of the sick and in this case stupid. Amazed you're still alive. We use it on here all the time regarding stupid things that kill people.
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