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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. I'm sure you approve of Hillary's ties to the Russians thru the Clinton Foundation and the State Department under her lead giving uranium mining rights to the Ruskies. How about China or North Korea? http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=82426 President Clinton today signed into law a historic bill granting permanent normal trade relations to China. He also dispatched his top trade negotiator for urgent talks with Premier Zhu Rongji in hope of settling disputes that threaten Beijing’s WTO bid. Approved by the U.S. Senate in September and the House of Representatives in May over stiff opposition from labor and human rights groups, the legislation ends the 20-year-old annual ritual of reviewing China’s trade status and guarantees Chinese goods the same low-tariff access to the U.S. market as products from nearly every other nation. WTO Controversy In exchange for permanent U.S. trade benefits, China agreed to open a wide range of markets — from agriculture to telecommunications — under terms of a landmark agreement the White House hoped would usher Beijing into the World Trade Organization (WTO) later this year. But U.S. and European trade officials warned that China’s bid to enter the WTO this year was in peril after talks in Geneva stalled over how Beijing would implement WTO rules on intellectual property and meet its other obligations. U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky, Clinton’s top negotiator, conceded last week that Beijing may not join the WTO this year. But she hoped to spur negotiations along in talks this week in Beijing with Zhu and other leaders. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/chinese-company-pledged-2-million-to-clinton-foundation-in-2013/ A CBS News investigation has found that at least one foreign company with close ties to its government has been giving generously to the foundation run by Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. Since its founding, the Clinton Foundation has invested millions each year for work in fighting AIDS and empowering women, but its recent uptick in donations from foreign governments has been raising questions about the potential influence on Hillary Clinton, as she gets ready to run for president. The foundation has raised at least $42 million from foreign governments - and according to an analysis by CBS News - at least $170 million from foreign entities and individuals. One donor - Rilin Enterprises- pledged $2 million in 2013 to the Clinton Foundation's endowment. The company is a privately-held Chinese construction and trade conglomerate and run by billionaire Wang Wenliang, who is also a delegate to the Chinese parliament. Public records show the firm has spent $1.4 million since 2012, lobbying Congress and the State Department. The firm owns a strategic port along the border with North Korea and was also one of the contractors that built the Chinese embassy in Washington. The Clinton Foundation largely stopped taking money from foreign governments when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state in 2009. It resumed the practice once she left in 2013, but never stopped taking money from foreign companies or individuals. In a statement, the foundation said that should Hillary Clinton run for president "we will continue to ensure the Foundation's policies and practices regarding support from international partners are appropriate, just as we did when she served as Secretary of State." But since the foundation never stopped taking money from foreign companies and individuals, even if the foundation were to return to the policies and practices in place while she was secretary, the launch of a Clinton presidential bid wouldn't preclude an individual, like Wang - with direct ties to the government - from contributing money. Further complicating Clinton's ties to her family foundation, is that when she was secretary of state, the foundation had a built-in infrastructure - in the State Department and the White House - to vet donations from foreign entities. That mechanism hasn't traditionally existed within a presidential candidate's campaign stricture. The Rilin donation came at a time when the Clintons were aggressively raising money and when it was no secret she was readying a run for the White House. It underscores the types of questions the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign will have to answer as they reevaluate their policies. "If the point is you are not going to take money from foreign governments, then his construction company is as close to not just the Chinese government, but its Ministry of State Security as they could possibly be," said Mann. How detailed was Clinton's process for deleting emails? Who should be in charge of handing over Hillary Clinton's emails? "Indirectly the Clinton Foundation has political influence, that's why people give to it," said Mann. "People give to the Clinton Foundation particularly because it is the Clintons and because they are prominent politicians in the United States." A Rilin spokesperson said Wang "was asked to join the NPC [National People's Congress], a largely ceremonial body, as a delegate in 2013." Wang has given tens of millions of dollars to other organizations, including New York University, where he's a member of its Board of Trustees. In a statement, the Rilin spokesperson said, "Mr. Wang has a long history of generous philanthropic giving to institutions of higher education and organizations that work on and promote global relations. The Clinton Foundation is one of the many organizations Mr. Wang has donated to." Rilin, however, has a history of complaints since 2001 regarding its treatment of embassy construction workers. Documents obtained by CBS News show Rilin was cited in 2011 and 2013 by officials in Jersey City, New Jersey for housing workers in unsafe, crowded and unsanitary conditions. The company settled the 2011 violations for $6,066 and says all the charges related to the 2013 inspection were dismissed. Among the Clinton Foundation foreign donors, there are also a number that have come under fire from US agencies. Barclays Capital has given at least $1 million dollars to the foundation and last year, HSBC Holdings gave the foundation at least $500,000. Both British banks are under Justice Department investigations. Asked about donations from foreign governments last week, Hillary Clinton defended the foundation's work, saying "I think that to people who want to support the foundation, know full well what it is we stand for and what we're working on." GOP to Hillary Clinton: Hand over your email server Top Democrat says Hillary Clinton is cooperating with Benghazi panel Campaign finance laws prohibit foreign interests from investing in U.S. elections to prevent foreigners from buying political influence at home, but those rules don't apply to the Clinton Foundation. Bill Allison, senior policy analyst at the Sunlight Foundation, a campaign finance watchdog group, says the Clinton foundation is a unique non-profit that can't be separated from the US political system. "If there is foreign money coming into the Clinton Foundation, it will raise the question of - is the president going to be doing favors for a foreign business, a foreign government, a foreign individual? And you just cannot have that in the American system of government, where the president is supposed to represent the American people," Allison said. Clinton officials say that many major institutions - financial, media, industrial or otherwise - have been subject to investigation at some point. They said many of these organizations are capable of significant and positive impact and the investigations alone shouldn't preclude them from contributing to improving lives.
  2. She complains about the cost of college yet gets paid over $400K for teaching one class. She complains that the "system" is rigged then supports Hillary Clinton. She complains about income inequality yet Hillary makes more than most CEO's. (over $28 million in 2014) https://www.hillaryclinton.com/p/files/returns/WJC_HRC_2014_Form_1040.pdf She says "We believe we must get big money out of politics and root out corruption." Priceless when you look at the DNC and Clinton foundation. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/the-biggest-hypocrite-elizabeth-pocahontas-warren/article/2592680 Elizabeth Warren has emerged as an attack dog for the Democratic Party against Donald Trump. She has assailed the Republican presumptive nominee for a 2006 comment that he could profit off of the housing crash, calling him a "small, insecure money-grubber" and claiming he "doesn't care who gets hurt, as long as he makes a profit." But the woman who purports to be a fighter for the middle class has made a living off of foreclosure homes and has built her career on lies. Warren attacked Trump for saying a decade ago, "If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you can make a lot of money." Despite her disingenuous political rhetoric, the notion of buying low and selling high is a business practice that has helped make Warren a very wealthy woman. In 2012, the Boston Herald reported that the one percenter, who is worth an estimated $8.75 million, "rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices." In some instances she made triple-digit-percentage gains from the houses she flipped and sold. The Herald also wrote that "Warren and her family's private investments don't seem to square with her public statements about the latest real estate boom and bust." However, you would never know that by listening to her attacks on Donald Trump. Further, by attacking Trump she is also defending Hillary Clinton, whose husband helped cause the housing crisis by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act. Elizabeth Warren isn't just a hypocrite; she has built her career on lies. She lied about being part-Cherokee to land plum jobs at the law schools of Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania. The New England Historic Genealogical Society stated there is no evidence to back up her claims. She also spoke of her fictitious "minority status" in her book A Fighting Chance, for which she received a $525,000 advance. She wrote, "As a kid, I had learned about my Native American background the same way every kid learns about who they are: from family." Even though she has outlined a plan for "debt-free college," Warren made a salary of $430,000 from Harvard. Also, according to CNN Money, the vast bulk of her wealth is held in mutual funds with "TIAA-CREF, a financial services company that provides retirement services to universities." Investing in the fund offers Warren "three guarantees: you'll never lose your principal, you'll always get a minimum interest rate and you'll receive a lifetime income stream." The next time Warren is relaxing in her $1.9 million Victorian home in Cambridge, Mass., she should do some self-reflection. The former Republican-turned-liberal icon has spent her political career laying the foundation for the Occupy Wall Street crowd, even though she is part of the economic class they vilify: The 1 percent. She has based her career on lies and gotten rich by taking advantage of the same opportunities she now wants to deny millions of Americans. Elizabeth Warren is the personification of the "capitalist greed" she has built her political career fighting against.
  3. I called him out right from the beginning. He's been in politics since 1980 and in DC since 1990. Just because he has more radical socialist ideals doesn't mean he still isn't a career politician. Its basically all he's ever done. Do and say anything to get elected or help others get elected. He is not the man of integrity people thought.
  4. Its floating around she used DNC resources to assist in her own re-election campaign. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/wasserman-schultz-could-face-legal-complaint-related-to-email-leak/
  5. Olbermann's career is about as prominent as Piers Morgan.
  6. Sanders will not do what Clinton did last year. They will do the whole role call and Vermont will be last and those delegates will call for a unanimous nomination. He will snake his way out of it. He's got about as much spine as a jelly fish.
  7. Bias is blinding and unfortunately intelligence blocking as well.
  8. No but you obviously are. They wouldn't post it if it was still being changed. final draft Popularity: Bottom 10% of words Definition of final draft : a final version of something (such as a document) usually after a lot of editing and rewriting<The final draft is due tomorrow.>
  9. I agree. If you want to retire early you should have a separate investment vehicle to provide funds until the 401K can kick in without penalty. Withdrawing prior to 59.5 is a 10% penalty.
  10. Well he needs to reverse a lot of Obama's executive orders.
  11. It was a constitutionally correct decision. Even Ron Paul agreed. http://reason.com/blog/2016/01/21/our-presidential-cycle-shows-why-citizen Today, by the way, is the sixth anniversary of the pivotal Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court decision, which struck down regulations restricting outside spending and advertising to influence elections by corporations, nonprofits, labor unions, and other groups. But for enemies of that decision, the only word that matters is “corporations.” Today on the anniversary, the hashtag#CitizensUnited trended for a little while on Twitter, and it caught my attention when Democratic Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado posted several tweets condemning the decision, calling for it to be overturned and complaining about the drastic increase in spending on elections from outside sources. I interviewed Polis for Reason a couple of years ago because, though he is a Democrat, he leans libertarian in many areas, including in tech freedom and privacy, marijuana legalization, school choice, and a lot of free market issues, and regularly engages with libertarians (including libertarian-leaning congressmen on the right like Justin Amash and Thomas Massie). On this issue, though, he is insistent that money isn’t speech. A funny thing I noticed when checking out the hashtag: All the top posts that aren’t originating from progressive activist sources are from incumbent legislators complaining about “dark money” “buying elections.” Recall that the Citizens United case is based on a documentary that was critical of Democratic establishment candidate Hillary Clinton. If elected, Clinton wants to make sure incoming Supreme Court judges would overturn the decision.
  12. Please do tell us how you keep corp media money out of elections and why other citizens don't have the same rights as them?
  13. The head of the FBI recently said she lied to congress and the American people and she is who should be "shaping" our children. You honestly can't make this shit up. We are living a movie with the choices we have. What a fucked up way of thinking about the Presidency. "And make no mistake about it, this November, when we go to the polls, that is what we’re deciding -– not Democrat or Republican, not left or right. No, this election, and every election, is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives. (Applause.) And I am here tonight because in this election, there is only one person who I trust with that responsibility, only one person who I believe is truly qualified to be President of the United States, and that is our friend, Hillary Clinton."
  14. You do know what FINAL means right? Think before you post MC.....THINK. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/final draft
  15. Polls are showing at least 25% of Sanders supporters won't vote for Hillary. That could easily be over 3 million votes. "Let me thank the 13 million Americans who voted for the political revolution, giving us the 1,846 pledged delegates here tonight – 46 percent of the total. And delegates: Thank you for being here, and for all the work you’ve done. I look forward to your votes during the roll call on Tuesday night."
  16. Time for America to wake up to how the DNC and MSM work. This is EXACTLY why Citizens v. United was a correct decision. Corp media money influences every election in this country. If they have a voice so should anyone else.
  17. Trump probably matches more policies you claim to be important than Clinton. http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/6-key-issues-where-trump-neutralizes-hillary-or-runs-her-left Anti free Trade, Social Security, rejecting big money politics, cutting military budgets by closing bases overseas, breaking HI monopolies, lowering seniors pres drug cost.
  18. Ask yourself would Hillary have hired her if Sanders hadn't already pledged his support. She is making him look like a bigger sellout than he already made himself. I actually feel bad for his supporters.......just kidding no I don't. I said from the beginning he was a dem party puppet and I was right all along. By no means a Ted Cruz fan but he stuck to what he believed in even in the face of ruining his political career in the GOP.
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