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Everything posted by hwytohell

  1. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/06/james-eastland-and-the-limits-of-joe-bidens-nostalgia-play/592183/
  2. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2019/06/21/congress-border-crisis/39611295/ D.O.A. in the club senate . Thanks harry rei(d) !!
  3. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/449643-democrats-want-white-house-hopefuls-to-cool-it-on-biden-attacks
  4. X.C. Morrison just might be correct , The lying dem squaw from MA seems to be getting some traction + spotlight in the dem party base + the fake fucking me(d)ia. One thing for certain is the dembanksters that own + run the party , do not want or like the lying squaw.
  5. du'h, (d)ivided gubbermint . The best results for the American people.
  6. Yup, that Chicago dem convention shit storm was a epic battle within the parties heavy handed henchdems for all to see + the then, three news channel me(d)ia paid off on air pussies.
  7. https://newrepublic.com/article/154113/democratic-party-fighting-spirit-give-war-chance
  8. algore has made himself a dembankster billionaire with his climate claims and insider purchasing of gubbermint carbon credits. The only climate he gives two fucks about is his ever increasing green climate personal bank accounts.
  9. She went hand in hand with the dem shyster " Dewey , avenatti , Cheatum , Quick " Till he did his long running client scams and left her high and dry with a legal bill to pay the POTUS.
  10. History in American politics proves otherwise, the moral bar has been sent deep into the ground by the dem party . Why someone might ask ?? More shady dems have been elected to political office.
  11. Anything can happen when the voters have their choice. hilliary was all but the POTUS
  12. https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2019/jun/20/paternity-suit-lists-bidens-son-49/
  13. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/18/democrats-2020-candidates-tom-perez-1366734
  14. Pay as you go , and then you don't owe. Like my late parents used to say " Learn to go without , your money ahead "
  15. Rental units are very scarce in the Grayling area and beyond. The next place to watch in MI is when the U.P. Soo lock project starts, that area will be able to rent dog houses and outhouses for good coin . The monies that will be flowing into that area will be huge.
  16. All d/r shyster political hopefuls are actors.
  17. Only M.C. would be bitching about more tax monies flowing into gubbermint troughs. Oh snap, the dembankster party are looking out for the hard working peons in America.
  18. How long did the dem lying squaw from MA ever have a private sector job outside of sucking on the gubbermint tit and in higher liberal backslapping academia ??
  19. When it comes to d / r politics , " If you can't sell it to a sucker , sell it to a whitefish"
  20. Just like in the " uncut" version of the movie " Gone with the wind " a smiling ear to ear cigar chomping dem huckster is telling the now free men to sign here and vote demorats, " You will get forty acres and a mule ' the newly freed man says " And a muuule "
  21. Unless the dem party chieftains take her out, she will have a long political run. What I like about her is that she and her alt left klan are kicking the long time entrenched dem jackasses everyday. The party henchdems try to keep her in the back of the barnyard , and it flat does not work.
  22. She is money and attention to the party , good or bad . The me(d)ia has wet pants over her. I doubt the dembanksters that own the party will be willing to take that extreme risk , and suffer the long term fallout. Her + alt left groups that own her backup plan , is to raise large money now to go after one or both of the two N.Y. U.S. club senate members.
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