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Everything posted by jtssrx

  1. One has nothing to do with the other. You use Strawman arguments because you can’t defend your stance
  2. You can’t explain it because you’re a little sheep that listens to what ever he’s told.
  3. We live in a society which is completely dependent on fossil fuels and/or nuclear energy. Our heat, water, power, transportation, manufacturing, food production and distribution systems; communication, medical, financial and every other critical system depend on an “always on” supply of energy. As an example, at the turn of the last century, there was tremendous fear that the Y2K bug would make computers non-functional and collapse society. An intermittent computer network due to a lack of reliable energy would have the same effect. Medical and financial services would be non-functional. Most Americans have never gone without essential commodities, and take them for granted. And many, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, seem to have no understanding of the catastrophic consequences of running short of energy. People of her generation have never had to do without food, warmth, light or communications. They can’t function if they don’t have a strong phone signal, and have no concept of what a shortage of food, transportation or energy would be like. The US has been experiencing record cold this winter. What would the people of Illinois have done without continuously available heat, light and communications during the record cold snap of -38 degrees two weeks ago? I flew over the Midwest on January 6, 2018 during a similar cold snap. The air was dead calm and wind turbines were useless. People were completely dependent on fossil fuels and nuclear energy for their survival. The reason winter is cold, is because of a lack of solar energy. The sun is low in the sky, days are short, and it is cloudy much of the time. Yet climate alarmists want people to be dependent on solar energy for their survival. They imagine that there is some storage technology which can store huge amounts of energy for long periods of time when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. But as Bill Gates pointed out, that technology doesn’t exist. I have degrees in science and engineering, and have worked for most of the last 45 years as both. The job of scientists is to come up with ideas. By contrast, the primary job of engineers is to make things that work. If a bridge or a microprocessor, doesn’t work – very bad things will happen. Bad engineering is fatal to humans, companies and civilizations. We need to have engineers making the technology decisions, not academic scientists and politicians – who have never had to deliver anything which works, and don’t have any understanding or experience with the processes required to make things work. Most academics and politicians have no clue what is going on behind the scenes of a technologically functional society. An analogy would be climate forecasters vs weather forecasters. If a climate forecaster is wrong, few people remember or care in 30 years. But if a weather forecaster is wrong, everyone knows and there are immediate consequences. If the people of New York City (who elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) believe that we don’t need fossil fuels, why don’t they prove it to the world by eliminating fossil fuels usage in their own city? They can end skepticism of their plan by eliminating gasoline, jet fuel and natural gas sales in their city. They should ban all electricity usage from sources other than solar, wind and nuclear. They should ban sale of all products manufactured or transported using fossil fuels. Why didn’t Michael Bloomberg do this while he was mayor? The reason is simple – it is impossible. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s New Green Deal is impossible, and people in countries like China and India understand that. That is why they are building more than 1,000 new coal fired power plants. The US could disappear off the face of the Earth, and it would have minimal impact on atmospheric CO2 levels. China produces more than twice as much CO2 as the US, and under the deal they made with President Obama, they will continue to increase their CO2 emissions until the year 2030. FACT SHEET: U.S.-China Joint Announcement on Climate Change and Clean Energy Cooperation | whitehouse.gov US emissions have been declining for a decade due to fracking, while Chinese emissions increased rapidly. Climate Goals Pledged by China and the U.S. – The New York Times The UN has been making the same claim that we only have twelve years to save the planet from global warming, for the past 30 years. U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked The claim is nonsense, the proposed solutions are unworkable, the US has minimal control over the level of atmospheric CO2, and the only viable conclusion is that the powerful people behind the scenes of the New Green Deal have extremely malicious intent. They refuse to allow any debate, censor all skepticism, and run academics out who resist climate alarmism. We need to have a robust discussion about our energy future centered around engineers – not decisions based on hysteria by politicians and academics who don’t know the first thing about climate or energy. The American people need to be educated, not fed propaganda and have their information sources censored. Our survival depends on an adequate supply of energy, not mindless hysteria and fear over an essential trace gas. Without carbon dioxide, life itself can not exist. Without a reliable supply of energy, modern civilization can’t exist. Simply read the Paris accord and see how the only country in the world that was penalized was United States. The worst polluters if you want to label CO2 pollution China and India we’re not held accountable at all by that agreement. I watched a really cool video about it That basically said anybody could sign onto the agreement and write what they were and do it didn’t matter what they wrote in China and India basically wrote a bunch of garbage then claim they were part of the if it
  4. How do you explain the warming of the past which was warmer than today.
  5. I thought maybe we could start adding snow reports
  6. Lmao 😂 I ask you about Obama and you pull the Strawman argument routine
  7. This post reminds me of people who support the patriot act. They say I’ve got nothing to hide go ahead pass this law. They don’t understand the consequences of a law like this. The same could be said for letting people inside of the trump administration testify. The Democrats and their media whores look for anything to try to take down Trump. He doesn’t have to let anybody testify just like Obama didn’t have to let any of the documents or people testify during fast and furious. Did I see you out there calling for Obama to release the documents and let people testify for fast and furious where was your anger When Obama applied executive privilege
  8. Congratulations on the new ride bro
  9. Unlike many on this site I’m not afraid to follow up on stories I post when the original story turns out to be bad information. people like MC gave been posting bullshit stories for over three years now with no follow up What’s interesting about this story is these two brothers that were also involved in posting a bunch of fake stories about Trump on Twitter and were eventually banned by Twitter for said behavior
  10. Graham is a total fucking fraud!! Look at what he’s done as the head of the judiciary committee “zero”. He’s a neocon war monger!! He is hiding his John McCain war hawk side.
  11. Thank you!! I hope nothing bad happens to everyones here families. These endless wars need to fucking end
  12. You’re so predictable!! I’m not terrified of any of that shit. It’s hilarious how wrong you are. The only thing I fear is something bad happening to my sons. That’s it.
  13. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yep that Epstein story just got swept under the rug for no reason what so ever Here’s the facts Jimmy Anler and a few others dangle from off Ben’s balls. Whatever the guy says they agree. If Ben was anti Ilhan Omar they’d be anti Omar. If Ben thought there were sex rings they’d think there were sex rings. The thing I don’t get is if I’m so stupid and everything I post is propaganda why comment. All three of these clowns can’t help but run their mouths in my posts. I don’t know if Omar is dirty but where there is smoke there’s usually fire.
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