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Everything posted by sear

  1. #119 Thanks. a) I never asserted or implied presidential cabinet members are elected. It's a transcendently absurd notion. b) Is there even a fig leaf hear on why such an obvious absurdity would be posted?
  2. Water is wet. OK Now it's your turn to state the obvious & irrelevant again.
  3. #55 Right. My CD player had an 8 times over-sampling protocol, so the sound wasn't that bad. When I "rip" CD's to my thumb-drive, Win7 offers various fidelity options. Mine is permanently set on maximum fidelity. My Honda isn't Tanglewood. But it's substantially better than nothing. I don't know if I have the hardware to move my analog cassette recordings to the thumb-drive. But it would be nice to have about 20 hours of NPR Car Talk, etc. digitized.
  4. a) Senator Biden was chosen for VP by Obama. If all Obama's cabinet officers where White male, you might have a point. They aren't. You don't. b) The Clinton's know the political benefits of diversity. If Hillary could have found a VP running mate that would have enhanced the diversity of the ticket, I'm guessing she would have. c) But as it is the Democrat ticket is more diverse than the Republican ticket. The Republican ticket is two White men. At least there's some gender diversity with the Democrats.
  5. #86 That's ridicule, not refutation. If you think #85 is wrong, prove it so. But you didn't because you can't because it isn't. Thanks for playing.
  6. Due to the electoral college, technically the electors do, perhaps. But you're insinuating the VP is irrelevant. I disagree. When I vote, I'm mindful of both candidates on the ticket.
  7. #76 In my opinion, true to some degree. Particularly in the beginning I found Kaine's interruptions to be efforts to stifle Pence, in part because of their duration. But the last several seemed different: they were brief, and refutory, addressing specific points Pence made that Kaine seemed to have fact-check invalidation for. None the less, I did get the sense voters would be better off it the tickets were turned upside down; that Pence & Kaine run for president, and Trump & HIllary could be their VP.
  8. I thought bluetooth was radio waves. USB is hard wired. I'm former U.S. federal security. I reflexively prefer more secure modes of communication. If there's an advantage intrinsic to bluetooth that trumps USB / thumbdrive, it's news to me. Can you think of one? I like it so much, I went out and bought a Kenwood car stereo w/ USB that will run off my UPS. The commercial power fails, but the music stays on. Sweet!
  9. What way? It's working PERFECTLY! I'll be delighted to get help if I need it. But I don't. I put 70 miles on my new car today, and listened to Brahms, & some vintage rock. I didn't upgrade sooner, because the equipment I buy is quality; Nakamichi, Yamaha, Marantz, etc., & I take good care of it. I stepped up to USB because that's what the new car has; there's no CD player in it. Dr. dinosaur to you sir.
  10. #30 It's a 2016. But yes. I live in a concrete and steel bullet resistant, flame retardant, passive solar, nature observatory as a hermit. And you're right again. I retired from computer chip development at age 43, in 1997. So I'm out of the loop, AND LOVING IT. I deduce you've detected the downside. It's a price I'm resolutely determined to pay. It's not a penalty. It's merely one benefit of the reward.
  11. Kaine is off to a lame start. His canned delivery doesn't address the question very well. Pence looks more presidential.
  12. Perhaps. I wouldn't bet on it. Let's see what George Will or William Kristol has to say about it after the debate is over.
  13. " just someone with a liberal agenda " #17 By the most literal definition of the word, it's a CONSERVATIVE agenda. "Words mean things." Rush Limbaugh I'm conservative. The root word of "conservative" is "conserve". And I'm conservative about dress, energy consumption, natural resource consumption, etc. I keep my commercial electric bill around $30.oo / month. My motorcycle has one cylinder. My car has four cylinders. My diesel tractor has 3 cylinders. I don't need a 3 ton behemoth to drive to the store for a loaf of bread.
  14. #13 a) Thanks for reminding us that the size of automobiles is immaterial. b) My car is a Honda Civic. c) At least my post you quoted was about automobiles. Your #13 is about my post. If you don't like it, don't read it.
  15. Mc #5 Years ago Jay Leno worked into his monologue the news that a particular brand of SUV was being recalled, because they'd spontaneously combust. It might have been the Explorer. His punchline: - When you drive it to work it's an Explorer. When you drive it home it's a blazer. - rock it Jay ! -
  16. Thanks D #4. I'll add your pseud to my list of adoring fans. Have you considered attending grammar school?
  17. American cars are as subject to bloat as Americans are. The U.S. military used to use "Jeeps", the M151-A1 & A2 (the A1 was better). They're gone. They use HumVees now. Too bad. Those Jeeps were fantastic little machines. On the Bronco: The Bronco II was a cute little SUV. 2 door iirc. A few decades ago my friend had a new one, and four of us loaded it up with beer coolers and camping equipment and took it to New Berlin ("Unadilla"), NY for the motocross races. We drove up Rt. 17, which is paved like a ratchet. It's mile after mile of -ker klump, ker klump, ker klump, ker klump ...-, in many cars on the road. But in the Bronco II, it was like a magic carpet. W/ four grown men and over 100 lbs of gear it was a quiet, comfortable breeze. It's too bad so many consumers have allowed themselves to be seduced by the notion that bigger is better. The Suzuki Sidekick was a cute little 4WD. Might be fun to sport around in that. If you want a yacht, put it in the ocean.
  18. r2 #11 Yes. But the tables determine the amount of tax for those obliged by law to pay. Different story for Trump. Trump is reported to have paid no federal income tax for 18 years. That's not because of tables. That's because the $fat $cat real estate moguls had loopholes written into our labyrinthine tax code that exempted them. - In addition: We don't have much detail. Someone leaked 3 pages of a private tax return to a The New York Times reporteress. Trump says he's not releasing his tax information because certain years are under audit. a) There's no law prohibiting him from disclosing / releasing, despite the audit. b) Trump could release his documentation for years not under audit. It's quite clear Trump is hiding something here. AND !! Trump followed the law, allegedly. Fine. Guess what. It's legal to go to a pornography theater in a trench coat and watch movies all day. Would you want to vote for him for president?
  19. Commenting on Donald Trump's going years without paying federal income tax former federal prosecutor former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani said of Trump: "The man's a genius." Late night TV comedy host Stephen Colbert replied: "Yes. Only a genius could lose a $Billion $dollars running a casino."
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