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Everything posted by ViperGTS/Z1

  1. Pulling out the obscure old ones
  2. Might be this one.... there's been a few that think they are almighty and above it all with their positions.
  3. Watched a few of her videos over the last couple of months
  4. This is what Bill Barr says now.... Makes sense to me Maybe you guys on the fence better wake up and realize who you should be voting for and it aint third party.
  5. Nice .... Earl scheib or Maaco? .. 😆 they've always been the cheapest around here.
  6. Lmao 🤣.... pretty sure those days are over. Had my IROC painted about 30 years ago for about $600. Nowadays, just getting a ding or few stone chips taken care of will cost a grand.
  7. They are still trying to figure out what the charges are. ...What exactly has been illegal? Even what should be simple misdemeanors(now felonies) have long passed their statute of limitations. Again, this is totally political and an effort of election interference. Everyone can see this.
  8. Yup that's a lot of projection on your part, sure he says some things he probably shouldn't at times, especially with a media ready to pounce and spin anything they can........cheer up, he really isn't the devil they make him out to be. There are many of these instances showing compassion that get buried by the MSM. But you are just one of the sheep and believe as told, orange man bad.....not hard to see.
  9. No I believe his actual words were in effect..... "I like people who weren't captured ". .... So yeah, you're pretty far off. And have been played by the media.... Just like your buddy deep
  10. Damn!.....c to c is taking a Bloodbath. ....
  11. It would be nice if they used the same area for comparison....those pictures don't even remotely look the same judging by the river.
  12. What part of the Gold Sneaker value don't you understand?.....Those who bought and reselling are in the money. Yeah I should have bought the dip...this volatility is fairly lucrative and was predictable. I think you will be waiting for a very long time for this to reach it's intrinsic value .....which has whatsoever no bearing on its price. Look for a pop if Trump fares well in the trial and a huge pop if he is elected. I may even bite when the election is near.
  13. Oh man....you mean we gotta wait 4 years. Before shaking those pom poms
  14. Lmao 🤣....here it is right here... nothing to do with Trump but this is hilarious. I would buy that guy a years supply of whatever he's drinking..... Hitting speed bumps and swerving with the Beaners in the back too.
  15. That'll clear out the Home Depot lots pretty quickly in the A.M. where they wait...
  16. Up Another 7% yesterday and up so far again today over the $40 threshold..... Damn those who bought when it dipped to 22 have nearly doubled their money In about a week's time..... Come on guys.... Let's keep this to the top...eh? Don't let those pom poms go stale.
  17. Yeah ok.....numbers were far different 4 years ago....no matter how you try to spin it. Remain in Mexico and Mexico patrolling it's own border helped tremendously.
  18. Deeps stupid comparison ...It's like saying a house infested with 100 mice and 10 caught in traps one year. Leaving 90 mice That same house has 1,000 mice the next year and 200 are caught in traps. Leaving 800 mice. Oh but on a percentage basis that second example is higher.... Effin idiot.
  19. Just exactly what good are your statistics?.... Fact remains we are overwhelmed with many more illegals now than ever compared to during the Trump admin. WGAS how many Biden is returning on a percentage basis?... Are you really that stupid? Don't bother to answer that I already know....
  20. Well I'm glad to see I'm in the majority of morons and we will be the ones who decide the election....SBYL
  21. Yup.... And still millions more here than during the Trump admin.... your higher percentage means zilch Too bad you can't see this
  22. Again, the majority of Americans are for it and Trump will run with this. The immigration issue will be a huge player on who wins election.
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