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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. you dumb shit , they don't die in days your ignorance is fucked up
  2. Yesterday 158 hospitalized 18 ICU 21 ICU ventilator just an normal day like any year in the past - 36 on ventilators in 3 days - average age 40 https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data/hospitalizations?fbclid=IwAR3iZmqbfwCIQHdhADWBYC5jetSm4hj14kv1ouUsGtlYBKyL-SIf43VsBzk if you need ICU London might be the closest place
  3. Just like no one is talking about FORDS debt, I hear about Trudeau daily - So similar when it was WYNNE debt but never spoke of Harpers debt ONEWAY SYNDROME IS STRONG
  4. I meant campaign on paying debt back, it never happens anymore. I hear people talk about the debt too. Example Harper did a great job I don't think he had a deficit other than the 2008 recession ( false he had the second most debt and never balanced a budget until magically in his last year) Liberals always spending (false in the 90 debt actually came down first time ever) Jean was horrible and spent too much money running deficits ( 8 surplus in a row) Best one is Mulroney actually balanced the budget false he ran the biggest debt in history up to 2020 was over half the debt 330 billion added. and gave the GST gift of tax the people ( funny Liberals only tax people but here we see the biggest tax grab in federal history) So oldsledder I too have heard this - never once have people stated that only the Liberals have paid debt back and low debt added to the total. Bill Davis Ontario best Premier ran 17 deficits in a row bet that doesn't come up but WYNNE sure does ( nor the 3 balanced budgets) it is called THE ONEWAY SYNDROME
  5. The budget actually promises a 10 per cent hike in old age security for Canadians 75 years of age and over. But the Bloc wants that increase to apply to all seniors as of age 65.
  6. I hope they find a Finance Minister
  7. Trump did incite violence on the USA capitol , anyone denying or supporting that is fucked up. Don will go down as the worst President ever far worse then Nixon. Don has been a douche bag for his entire life. Maxine is old as fuck and trying to leave her mark, too bad it will the mark of blood. She should be booted out for inciting violence even before the outcome. Fucked up We'll see what the dems do, I doubt the right thing
  8. YOU do know if you want something to be secret and you aer doing something wrong, why would you use an EMAIL? but cool story, "listen workplace be possible when conmmunicating" I am assuming you have never been to a meeting or anything close
  9. Pretty funny blame game is in high gear this week, vaccines if we only had more of this then this fake virus wouldn't be here... Is the entire country in the same situations as Ontario? nope People just doing what they want are to blame
  10. We must get back to fiscal balance - paying the debt isn't a plan according to CPC funny how debt is just not paid back and really never talked about Tax breaks for businesses and wealthy should cure this issue
  11. It has taken a full blown pandemic, paying the entire country to stay home just to bring the Liberal deficit close to the long decades of conservative massive spending We can no longer say CPC is responsible for 3/4 of our debt
  12. 21 ICU beds available for all of GTA these will be gone by Friday
  13. 132 hospitalized in 2 days, great weekend and none are old poeple all under 60 years old Canada on average has 6000 deaths a year country wide due to influenza 24000 covid deaths with stay at home orders is 4 times the deaths for this average flu bug that isn't a concern.
  14. April 19 95 people hospitalized in these normal days 14 in ICU 10 more on ventilators This is 15 in two days filling 5 hopsitals that Doctor AC says has 3 beds open which is plenty By Friday there will not be a ICU bed in Southern ONtario 4 ICU beds available between Barrie and Newmarket https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data/hospitalizations?fbclid=IwAR3iZmqbfwCIQHdhADWBYC5jetSm4hj14kv1ouUsGtlYBKyL-SIf43VsBzk This is normal folks this happen every single day in Ontario it is just the media hides this normally
  15. apr 18 42 more hospitalized 15 ICU 5 ventilators (506 on ventilators is nuts) expecting double those numbers Monday https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data/hospitalizations?fbclid=IwAR3iZmqbfwCIQHdhADWBYC5jetSm4hj14kv1ouUsGtlYBKyL-SIf43VsBzk
  16. who knows? more than likely you read a twitter post saying they all got there after taking the poison vaccine Bill Gates is injecting in you no more old people in ICU, all are now your age dude and younger, good luck. You and ACE MD (not M.D.) know this is just a simple cold virus
  17. Budget Tomorrow CPC vote against it since they know NDP will support it, as neither want an election right now. Money for the masses is coming. Looks like another year of Trudeau
  18. Max Bernier leads the way. Now this is a leader wonder of RENAGADE did his best to help with this pandemic and attended this fantastic protest https://barrie.ctvnews.ca/video?cid=sm%3Atrueanthem%3Actvbarrie%3Atwitterpost&clipId=2183574&taid=607c3467c18bb900010d275f&utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter
  19. These shutdowns are illegal and do nothing - Trudeau needs to closed all borders and shutdown airlines - I have the right to travel fuck you and anyone that tells me I can't - Trudeau's fault for all cases borders still open - Shutdowns don't work and are illegal - Ford needs to close all shopping big box stores not just small stores - these shutdowns are illegal and do nothing - This is all fake and all doctors are lying bastards, there are no more sick today. CBC made this up I love the haters, they have a very clear message
  20. I just did most hospitals have 1 or 2 beds open 90-100% capacity - your denial is weird
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