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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. I know really life in Canada is damn good - Your fake outrage makes for good conversation
  2. sooner or later the same thing will happen, Liberals will be elected in Ontario and Conservatives federal then switch... either way your life is miserable when a liberal is in power
  3. Can't they just set up bouncy castles and dancing in the streets of Ukraine, that I hear brings freedom. I doubt these people know the meaning of freedom, we occupied our Capital for 3 weeks, we didn't like loss of real freedom these masks are nazism The attack on our Capital by radical few sure seems even more ridiculous as we watch Russia moves in to take land and people of Ukraine sad - I even see posts making fun of Trudeau denouncing Russia can't wait to hear the CPC take on all this
  4. ? oh I forgot you don't watch fake news so you wouldn't be aware of the convoy leaving today USA does have mandates 1 includes truckers being vaccinated to cross the border really is this an act? you seem to not know a lot of things
  5. Why is it that the deniers and anti mask anti science people seem to think it is legal to just block roads for weeks on end, Manitoba is a mess - fuck less then a 100 people can lockdown a city is amazing.... 5pm deadline coming, I assume they will hangout until near the end then run very disturbing and trend setting
  6. I am out everyday I know a few donors that have been shitting their pants the last week or so.... Matter of fact I'll see one of them tonight at hockey... Hey now you can get on the USA sites and raw raw their truck convoy to show Biden a thing or two
  7. sorta like believing most Canadians supported the occupation when really it was a fringe minority of a few thousand.. classic shit right there
  8. He was just elected 4 months ago - these dumb fucks have no idea how our Government works... Right now there isn't a Party ready to even think about another election, our Conservative government has no leader and will elect another one at the end of the year. Its a mess The Party that just spent the last couple of weeks defending blockades and occupations is in real trouble within itself You won't hear this from the Canadian hate group posting here
  9. Yes TRUE, these trucks were abandoned on the street by THE TRUCKER ( ) they could have just drove away but there wasn't a driver to take the truck - Paid Protesters bail when the tough get going. All trucks had the option to leave without any consequences right up to the last minute
  10. GIVESEND is asking not to request your money back, they want to keep until Canada Government backs down so they can use it to get people out of Jail and pay for lawyers... So they continue to use your money for the illegal occupations and blockades are you sending more
  11. RCMP working on unfreezing some bank accounts that paid for and supported the occupation of our Capital... We will find out soon all the donations from foreign nations and who from. many CPC MPs are happy their bank accounts have been unfrozen
  12. its a comedy show, why are you so upset about it? Now that the protesters are losing their freedom and have to wear masks at home depot, the Canadian government can get back to real issues of Freedom in Ukraine where people will be losing their lives Hey where was SKY at the end? he fucking bailed with the funds he raise HE will fight to the end nowhere in sight sipping drinks at the other end of town, thinking what fucking chumps
  13. it is ALL CANADIAN CONTENT so there is no doubt you have no interest - It is for Canadians not anti Canadians
  14. This hour has 22 minutes is pretty funny this week
  15. how much does it take Teamster Canadian trucker assc. American' trucker assc. all UNIONS do not support this so called convoy and have spoken out - The Truckers are deliverying stuff not blocking borders and spitting on news crews no one is supporting this
  16. YOu realize they had gofundme for blockade roads ya they are paid protesters with nothing to do... fact They built structures in the middle of the street and filled it with cooking supplies, they had bouncy castles blocking roads, fuel paid for, food paid for, not sure what you don't get about being paid protesters how do you see raise 10million dollars to support a occupation
  17. because the REAL TRUCKERS did not support this illegal blockade, they delivered stuff when not blocked by the so called hero truckers. These were paid protesters Truckers had nothing to do with it, people were sitting in trucks not theirs... imagine every UNION who loves a good protest did not back this blockade, that otta tell the entire story
  18. Your Leader in Jail winning her mates are out on bail and can not talk to you since you are part of the criminal activity yelling at cop spitting on news crews proud moment I bet for you
  19. Leading up to the vote, there were signs the government had decided to make it a confidence vote, meaning that if it failed, the minority Liberal government could have fallen, which would have triggered an election. Trudeau had not officially designated the vote as such, but he opened the door to that interpretation by likening the decision to a vote on a throne speech, which lays out the government's agenda. “I can't imagine that anyone who votes 'no' tonight is doing anything other than indicating that they don't trust the government to make incredibly momentous and important decisions at a very difficult time,” he said at a news conference earlier in the day. sorry you are wrong
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