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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. wow 8 miles high what a fucking bass/drum intro
  2. 14 minutes of Young awesomenes love the band crazy horse
  3. posted this before sheer brilliance his delivery of words
  4. Today's gift is DOUGIE signs on with Trudeau's 10 dollar daycare plan.... I believe that is the last Province to join...
  5. Convoy of pickups circled HONDA plant today demanding removal of mandates holy fuck these people are not very smart
  6. That USA convoy is awesome, have you guys seen all the videos? almost 1000 miles long
  7. Do I believe their is a Trillion dollar market? yes I do Do I think Ontario was cashing in prior to Doug? yes I do Do I think Doug has seen to future? yes I do Will it work in rural Ontario? most likely not in the current state.. and no one suggests you trade you gas vehicle for one today. That is nonsense being spewed CHY-NA is way ahead now
  8. All of a sudden Doug Ford is pro green as Honda gets millions from Feds and Provincial governments. Hopefully Ontario can get back to being a leader in Green instead of canceling everything and costing tax payers 100's of millions The gifts keep coming
  9. Don't you have an all white convoy to attend today? do you offer a balanced approach to defund CBC
  10. 1trailmaker


    Matthews gets tough once and ends up suspended WTF was with that crosscheck
  11. Well here we go then gets called out several times with proof Harper did in fact want to ban hijabs https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/stephen-harper-niqab-ban-public-servants-1.3258943 How fucking stupid are these want to be leaders? my god PP voted for the ban ffs CPC is in real trouble, Pierre is going to be destroyed by others in the race like Charest Why does PP insist he is running for Prime Minister :dunno
  12. so he didn't break any laws like blackfuck suggests he is not being investigated by police pretty funny
  13. wow have you been sucked right in (off) it is very disturbing what is happening to you. THINK FOR YOURSELF
  14. April 2022 just preparing for the future
  15. I assume you feel we should attack Ukraine? I hear Trump is working with Putin to take over the world, who side are you on?
  16. who said he was under investigation? and by who? for what? I don't believe the hate from blackfucks pay to read BS - funny how a post is never quoted from that site. besides maybe being against Unions and workers in general, what could this person have done to you? nothing but you and the haters will post shit all day pretending to stand up for workers just like standing up for Canada with blockades Can't wait for the hate
  17. Funny how THE CONVOY clearly thought the entire country was behind their occupation, who would agree with any mandates Well there are millions that have been okay with the mandates as we are seeing now. I am okay with us moving forward at this point, the virus seems to be weakening (Omicron) with 100's of thousands getting this in the past months we didn't really see a huge jump in hospital cases compared to the virus 2 years ago where many were dying.. Hopefully this is getting behind us
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