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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. 412 418 are toll free now - 407 needs to be toll free GIFT DOUG is awesome
  2. very good question, although Doug is cutting the tax used for roads I am sure the roads will still be fixed by the tax payer I would think in a future with mostly electric cars you will have some sort of mileage charge, the more you drive the more you pay which is very similar to today. Even with fairly high Hydro costs, charging a car is pretty cheap.. 12$ for a full charge getting 400km the whole idea of GAS gone as a commodity is bazaar it would affect the entire global economy. best question
  3. looks like the vaccine worked wonders 92% why not compare that to a chart from late 2020 or early 2021? I know why you won't and your leaders won't
  4. Alberta is one fucked up place in the past years
  5. she is a witness dumb dumb, she is not on trail you dumb dumb my god AC and you claim to run a huge business - not likely
  6. no she is not in court like you think dumb dumb - she is a witness to a stupid case brought up by CONVOY LOVERS and fakely named Justice Center of Canada people like AC believe this is actually a government entity
  7. Does she speak English and using a translate button? Tons of trouble in the CPC this leadership is going to be a shit show some how AC thinks his post is an anti Liberal post. No wonder CPC is in trouble what a disaster
  8. give it a rest, HARPER TANKED THE ECONOMY by your own posted stats He ran 8 deficits in a row than magically 1 month before the election he claims next budget will be a surplus the Economy has only gone up ever since JT was elected according to your own chart you posted.... why do you not trust your own posts? I voted for Harper and wasn't happy with his end
  9. Harper Justin became Prime Minister Nov 4th 2015 - Cabinet wasn't for another Month. Unemployment 7.9% TSX 11992 ONEWAYs just don't get it
  10. 2015 post your results again I would love to be corrected - I will wait
  11. RGDP vs GDP you had no idea year 2015 was Harper as PM not JT - he crashed everything your chart proves it fucking market was under 11k when Harper finished - OIL is under 100$ a barrel, it is a world pricing and has nothing to do with a PM.... Canada enjoy's expensive OIL becaues Alberta can only make money that way I like when people like you and AC post stuff that proves your point wrong and do it often
  12. Real GDP vs GDP look it up for your next post but since you posted this, He did enjoy some good high oil prices no doubt - making money is important oil peeked at 140 a barrel USD. paying 1.40 for a litre was cool too, as long as Alberta makes money and has over paid jobs - enter 2014 and Harper's sole economic recession Your chart doesn't lie Thanks for posting it most have no idea how bad it was going to get, thankfully it only took a little while to correct (covid stopped the entire growth)
  13. see you can't help it. "our children's children will be paying for this" remember this quote used to talk about Liberals debt (which isn't true) So our tax dollars pay for a small portion people's gas for 6 months, how is this a savings? Good jester. What happens when GAS drops 20 cents over night again then again - Don't you see the issue? Funny you are against the 10$ day care saving millions of people money "where is the money coming from?" is the question being yelled ONEWAYS are interesting
  14. Private Gambling sites are now up and running in Ontario Not a good thing
  15. RGDP grows 8 months straight at record high right now so there is lots to complain about https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220331/cg-a001-eng.htm?fbclid=IwAR20t9LIopUKO_2tF5gVii5jnVmSgFFuQs9nBoA8S24Imcisfmbgsga-glw
  16. Adds to the debt every litre When you run a deficit every cent counts.. Like I have said for decades RIGHT WING WACKOS only care about debt when it is a Liberal Government. Doug is now the spending king of Ontario but not a word, we still hear about Wynne spending. Harper record spending Mulroney record spending liberals only spend is a common statement Doug said this could save you $400 in six months? seems like alot of litres to me
  17. Doug cutting gas tax for 6 months starting July 1st 5.3 cents - Ontario has so much money it can give it away. Gift Monday keeps giving
  18. 2015 cap and trade started, doug ended it and instead took Trudeau's carbon tax directly.... This is historical fact - how do you see it? IF WE HAD CAP AND TRADE WOULD TRUDEAU'S CARBON TAX MATTER OR COME INTO PLAY? ANSWER IS NO
  19. Actually Doug Ford did when he canceled a well working Cap and Trade - people ate his BS up but only thing that happened is we are now one 5 provinces controlled by the direct carbon tax The Provinces that this doesn't affect don't care Having said that we wouldn't get the climate rebate if we continued with Cap and Trade, would just had the 11 cents off the price of gasoline. Go Doug
  20. nothing to do with him or Trudy so much for that killer tax you keep mentioning
  21. GAS prices down again - keep it going $1.66
  22. So now they have vaccinated the stupid, what is the goal? We wait for your wisdom on this topic
  23. Glad you are back from your illness - good to see you still can't understand graphs or math
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