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Everything posted by SnowRider

  1. Hey Dummy -multiple guys lined up with no one being the focus is far different than a pic with your face in the foreground taking up the majority of the pic and a kid in the far background are quite different, Your angle was laughed at by everyone except you and Dumbski.
  2. Damn you're a triggered pussy Everybody except you and Rigid know what truth
  3. These clowns are fox bots.....have you seen the reports on how and when they change the coverage? Then look at what gets spewed on here
  4. This would be a good time for one of your diatribes on how the elite are protected......or maybe another Clown Posse member will do that for you👍
  5. @Carlos Danger. They never met......
  6. The focus is your ilk’s hypocrisy not politicizing any of it. Now STFU Jim and take your ownage. You’re no match so might want to quit while you’re still standing
  7. WTF are you flapping your lips about....I haven’t defended anyone nor barely commented. Your comments and insinuations cross the line. If you were flapping the same shit to my face - I’d fuck you up 👍. Guaranteed. Now STFU and I’m done with the tough talk. Think before you spew your bullshit.
  8. Skidmark is triggered just a complete right wing low information voter......typical Iowan..... Idiot Out Wandering Around
  9. Let the Republican Mueller’s investigation play out.......not sure why Dump is so upset if there’s nothing to hide.... Elides - how many Tim es from how ma y people were we to,d there is NO connection.... You guys are treasonous in the name of Dump 👍
  10. Quick example - you're not real bright and your lips are locked on Dumps dick so I doubt you will understand: Being Patriotic had 200,000 followers and the strongest activist bent of any of the suspected Russian Facebook election pages that have so far emerged. Events promoted by the page last year included a July “Down With Hillary!” protest outside Clinton’s New York campaign headquarters, a September 11 pro-Trump demonstration in Manhattan, simultaneous “Miners for Trump” demonstrations in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in October, and a pro-Trump rally outside Trump Tower last November, after his election victory. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russians-appear-to-use-facebook-to-push-pro-trump-flash-mobs-in-florida
  11. Yo Dummy - this is just a start and I see you avoided the influence question
  12. Facebook and Mueller are confirming it.....Putin won.....because you guys continue to believe false information still that was skewed even though it's been refuted. Whyvfhe anti Hillary info while nothing pertaining to Dump.......👍
  13. And where is that......along with the 126 million pro Hillary Russian backed ads on Facebook..... Yiure dumb - Momo level dumb - and that might be an insult towards Momo
  14. @f7ben .7 Momo - does this little bit of info fall under a Russian influence if not - what does it fall under
  15. Where does Putin/Russia/Dump/Dump Campaign fit into the equation
  16. I'm sure Hillary would like the same for the Russian influence last year👍
  17. .7 Momo is heading straight down the shitter into the bowl with the rest of the Clown Posse
  18. Those tying them together are the posters defending Dump 👍
  19. Poor ,7 Momo - rubbing on Creeper, Momo, Mouthbreather etc now His Russian delusion is getting exposed step by step
  20. Gap .7 Momo How’s the 3rd party initiative working out at the local Joelle?
  21. The alternate universe devoid of facts the Clown Posse wallows in must be entertaining.....or just turn into Faux Noise. It’s obvious that’s all these putz’s watch
  22. Dump is quoted saying he’s an excellent guy on audio tape along with a picture of him in a meeting with Dump, Sessions, and a few others. Yeah - never met.... you fuckers bitch about the media as your being led around by the right wing outlets that ignore real news and lie to you Fake pic or they never met.....
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