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Everything posted by hwytohell

  1. Wheeling that drop top fiat - bundy , she would have to give some skin flute lessons for the ongoing car repairs.
  2. Yes, it is a ancient wall hanger at the family cottage.
  3. https://wsbt.com/news/connect-to-congress-deprecated/some-house-members-consider-taking-pay-raise Wonder when the elected scum bags in the U.S. house and club senate will pass a bill for Medicare for themselves and their staffers.
  4. All charges dropped by gubermint paid shysters office; https://nypost.com/2019/05/09/florida-man-arrested-over-i-eat-a-sticker-gets-charges-dropped/ The victim of this Barney Fife's overreach will cost the taxpayers in his slam dunk lawsuit.
  5. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2019/05/09/michigan-forfeiture-cop-confiscations-conviction/1155285001/ Strange bedfellows joined together on both sides of the political sphere to get this law signed. A very good start but more needs to be done on this matter.
  6. The red vette with the garden hose reel snagged is just perfect .
  7. I also have current and former officers as friends. That job is a terrible at best dealing with the trash public, but they chose the job. My one friend is a deputy chief in a 55 person dept, he has two and a half years to go before he can retire. I have asked him multi - times are you going to stay in law enforcement after you retire ?? His response , "Fuck No ! I will mow lawns first."
  8. You believe that blue fogger B.S. ?? Just like the dash cam / body cam malfunctions.
  9. What is the average age of a vette owner 70 ?? One to many drinks at the 19 hole at the club , mixed with a handful of blue wood pills for the young waitress at the course. Yup bad things happen.
  10. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2019/05/08/crash-investigation-closes-14-mile-orchard-lake-intersection/1138849001/ Most all legal enrichment officers have license plate spotters in the revenue generator vehicles. Why chase ? Barney Fife knew full well who the vehicle belonged to and the legal address . Wait a bit, go impound the car for policing for profits sale at auction, and just maybe get a arrest out of the deal. Two dead for a broken headlight , this madness must end. Side note , Taylor p.d. , Warren p.d. , Farmington p.d. are all nothing more than a speed trap revenue generating, policing for easy profits depts.
  11. Keeps the dem n.y, slimes in the click bait revenue business.
  12. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-08/tax-the-rich-and-more-a-guide-to-potential-democratic-plans
  13. https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/defenders/police-bodycam-footage-shows-albion-officer-punching-teenager-with-mental-health-issues
  14. https://www.gainesville.com/news/20190507/lake-city-man-arrested-over-vulgar-sticker-on-truck
  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7002325/omg-Huma-Adebin-reacted-hacking-attempt-Hillarys-email-server.html
  16. Both d's / r's have zero intention of making any serious reforms to the d.c. political spending America into hell.
  17. https://joebiden.info/
  18. http://www.interlake-steamship.com/media/newsroom/the-interlake-steamship-company-and-fincantieri-bay-shipbuilding-partner-to
  19. https://heyjackass.com/enlightening-commentary/the-weekends-shoot-o-rahm-a-74/ Some improvement from other years.
  20. The three corrupt clintoons need to fade away fast for the greater good of the dem party. hilliary is just a ongoing case of genital warts to the party that flairs up every couple of months.
  21. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/Corrections-Officer-Arrest-NYC-Jail-Visit-Strip-Searches--509512521.html
  22. https://www.clevescene.com/cleveland/the-foilies-2019-recognizing-the-years-worst-in-government-transparency/Content?oid=30412900&utm_source=feature&utm_medium=home&utm_campaign=hpfeatures&utm_content=HomeTopFeature
  23. ellison has a very long sorted history with his temper with women. He got the normal dem party, non vanilla me(d)ia pass for his personal actions. dem al franken never beat a women or dragged her off a bed by her hair. OR pitched a bottle of Chivas Regal at a women. ellison is a total POS
  24. Yup, at one time the dems in MI wanted him to run for Governor or MI's A.G. If he got out of prison today and ran for mayor of (d)etoilet , he would most likely win.
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