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Everything posted by akvanden

  1. Oh really? Because it only fell 60% after your prediction a month ago. Now it's much better than even you expected. One thing's for sure - you're an expert at knowing which way the winds going to blow, but only after it starts.
  2. Meme stocks are the future? Is that what your 'private equity' guys told you? How much AMC and Gamestop do you own?
  3. And that's why spending on the credit card continues - keep people happy financially because they're too dumb to know any better.
  4. For the few savvy. More will be left holding the bag on the way down. God bless Trumpers for holding out.
  5. We’ve had a Dyson battery powered vac for probably 4 years, wife uses nearly daily with kids and dog. No issues with battery yet.
  6. Good for this guy though. I’d encourage you to volunteer too with your newly found free time. You’d learn a thing or two, like how poll watchers are not a new thing.
  7. Anyone blocking highways, bridges, airports, etc are terrorists. MAGA morons, Biden morons, BLM morons, etc. It’s not hard to understand right from wrong, regardless of who’s perpetrating.
  8. Spoken like a Donny Disciple. Law and order, except when Trump’s involved!
  9. Oh surprise, selective law and order. Democrats like selective law an order too, so you have that in common.
  10. Except if the law is used against daddy Trump, or any order on J6. Other than that, oh yeah, law and order, for sure.
  11. Did you pay for the system up front?
  12. Why would they need need to repaint the whole truck? just fix the scratches.
  13. Yeah there's a whole lot of equality going on in the middle east. Praise Allah.
  14. Where Polaris jackshaft bearings are resourced from.
  15. Pass age limits, now. Certainly that can get bipartisan agreement.
  16. #petemainstreet you’re an elitist, clearly.
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