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Everything posted by Deephaven

  1. He is rich. Subjectively of course. TNW of $200k would make someone who has never had anything feel rich.
  2. 1st jab, 2nd jab, booster, aren't they all the exact same thing? I didn't ask as I don't actually care what he does. His choice.
  3. Only you would think about shoving an AR up your ass. Sick fuck. Thought you were a cop. You should know that they have to try him for something to convict him of a crime. Just because you have a belief holds zero credibility in law....but of course none of your beliefs hold any credibitility so that is no surprise.
  4. Tested both times. Sick as hell both times. I've only had it once and it wasn't bad for me.
  5. And no, I will NEVER respond to one of your PM's.
  6. You are the pussy that choked. Post it up. I offered to do it and to take care of the legal expense and you pussed out. Here is your PM showing your pussiness. Either step up for once or continue eating dicks.
  7. Based on the need for a respirator once and super similar problems with the second I would say yes.
  8. The only people who aren't fearing for their life are ones that have been through it over and over. Buddy who serves wouldn't even get his heart rate up in that situation, but he has been in every sand box war in the front lines for the past 25 years. Us normal humans though would be highly stimulated into a response.
  9. My neighbor has had it twice. Both times bad. Natural protection may be stronger than the shot, but it isn't infallible either. Neither time did he transmit it to someone else in his household.
  10. I ride after any snow all the time....however I rarely ride a trail so not sure it is relevant to the thread. So many great places to ride right here in spite of our trail system.
  11. The people he killed were attempting murder. Can't say they were peacefully going after the guy with the AR. No way in hell that flies.
  12. Libtards think guns kill people, not people so they went after the gun??? Anyone that threatens me physicaly should prepare to meet their maker. That is just fucking commons sense. If I happen to be holding an AR you have to be a new level of stupid to come after me. Of course you can replace "me" with any sane or insane individual and get the same result.
  13. You can't afford a $36 respirator. The only thing more of a dumpster fire than the thread again is you.
  14. Lol, you are confused by a lot more than the shape of the world.
  15. It is a forum...a forum is where you discuss. If the idiot isn't smart enough to understand and summarize what he was linking then it isn't relevant on a forum. Of course he could ask, could someone explain this to him.
  16. Why do they let stuff like this out then? https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizers-novel-covid-19-oral-antiviral-treatment-candidate I think they will absolutely bring a treatment to the table if they have one. It is way too profitable to not...even if you are one of the vaccine manufacturers as proven on the linked press release.
  17. Imagine that like running out on his own bet, poopfucker doesn't follow through on his promise either.
  18. That is what you have always said you like
  19. No, I am not dumb enough to have a parler account. If you could think and actually converse instead of just posting propaganda links you wouldn't look so dumb all the time.
  20. Well yes, you are proposing something that is as wrong as 2+2=7 which is something that you should be made fun of. Super easy to continue if you are capable. Explain how this is wrong on earth. Or if it is right and the flat earth nonsense can be explained by it as well please enlighten us. It is a rudimentary and very simple calculation to prove the formula. It is a prerequisite to understand the simple math before taking any 200 level Physics class. Since you are all enlightened and know better share.
  21. How long is that going to last on youtube. Dude was super happy. Lol. Right, and it is better when you have men do it to you.
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