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Everything posted by GGNHL

  1. Surprised about Collins strong showing despite all the negative press, Gideon was just that disliked. I voted for Golden since I didn't life that dubbah Crafts, but I did vote Collins cause not a fan of Gideon.
  2. If online gambling didn't skew more towards white males you might be on to something there. I won't be surprised by any outcome, and we may not even know for a while, but I still think Sniffer McGee takes it tonight...
  3. Yeah I'm voting for Collins but I think Gideon is gonna take it, too many flatties moving up and voting the same people in similar to where they just escaped from...
  4. I'm having a hard time seeing trump's path to victory right now, if he does win it's a slim margin and an even bigger disparity between the popular vote and electoral college than last time. I don't care who wins, we're fucked anyway so I'm voting Jorgensen tomorrow in person. Will be voting for our current dem district 2 rep as I think he is a good dude and Susan Collins probably for senate as I really don't like Gideon...
  5. So what'll that be, about $20.00 total on your vast fortune of old stained playboys and a condemned mobile home you drug out to some junk property in New Hamptardville?
  6. I can't wait, gonna hopefully scoop up some stock deals when it bursts, I wasn't ready for the March one but I am now!
  7. Sounds like OldTimer from New Hampshire when it was time to snowmobile
  8. You don't like April because you stop snowmobiling too early like 95% of people, I went from snowmobiling on April 18th right into golfing and lawn maintenance, gotta come do a lake ride with us sometime bub.
  9. I can't wait to see a meltdown either way the election goes, gonna be hilarious
  10. Wait, you're telling me Alex came on for a third time? Thank goodness, I needed some entertainment. I listened to the 2nd one while moving my Mom down to Arkansas and she said about 2 hours in and I quote "what the fuck is wrong with these people"
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