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Everything posted by ManOnManOral

  1. Momo, is manonmanoral, well at the very least he performs it every day.
  2. meet me at sandy's glory hole and I can be whomever you like, but bring some cash, a guy cannot live on jizz alone.
  3. the creationists just cannot let go of their silly belief. It is as foolish as thinking taxes will stop climate change.
  4. I have yet to see anyone deny the climate is changing. There are simply those that have been fooled to buy into a taxation scheme believing they can stop that change, and those that know the truth. You are the former, in other words, a fucking moron.
  5. no it is not a call for alarm. We will adapt to most any changes. we also have no control over any changes so we will have no choice but to adapt. Kneel is stupid when it comes to climate change, he thinks we can control the climate. i wonder what we could have done to prevent the last ice age had we been here.
  6. You stated that we do not know if it is closer in age to the two numbers quated. To not know would mean it could be no older that 20000 years old. now tell me, do you think the world is definately younger than that number. if you do, you are insane.
  7. of course we know for sure. Obviously the earth is far closer to 4,500,000,000 years old than it is to 10,000 years old. Please do not tell me you are a creationist that thinks the world is 10k old.
  8. PTSD got you down. Come to the glory hole its is loads of fun.
  9. anal lear suggest illegal mexicans.
  10. nobody ever accused you of being intelligent.
  11. Vince has become a left wing wacko. Sad really. I think living in IL. makes a person crazy.
  12. most of the junk china ships here is pure garbage and not worth buying.
  13. I wonder why we have free trade with mexico in the auto sector. No regulations and 4 bucks an hour make for a very unlevel playing field. The answer is easy, we do not need government to fix it. NEVER buy a mexican made vehicle, even used.
  14. That is why I am management. You too are looking for work?
  15. Clearly you suck dick, want a part time job at the glory hole. I have a spot open.
  16. I do not care what it is. Simply put, there is nothing man can do to control the climate. Hell, liberals cannot even control their emotion.
  17. fake disgusting attempt to get a point across. the religious right is sick in the head.
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