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Everything posted by Elkhorn

  1. This just in, final ratings for both acceptance speeches: Trump 30 million Clinton 28 million
  2. Even with all the big names onstage last night, convention-to-convention, the combined rating of the DNC stumbled against Donald Trump and the RNC. Day 3 in Philadelphia was down 18% in the fast affiliates key demo from the drama of Day 3 in Cleveland when Ted Cruz refused to endorse the candidate and running mate Mike Pence spoke. guess it depends who writes the article....
  3. Exactly, but the want to spin it, just like he never said the word hack
  4. Her speech sucked, especially once she hit that shrill tone and her eyes bug out, she wonders why she has a problem with men, as she's screaming at the camera she repeated several things that trump has said for over a year, isn't that plagiarism???
  5. It's funny how the leftards can't or won't admit what he actually means when he says things like that. Like them saying he calls our troops a disaster, but he's not referring to people. Her speech was a joke, do you know how many things she said in that speech that trump has been saying saying for the last year??? Trase deficits, bad trade deals keep jobs here, punish the elite if they want to move overseas, everything she said about beating Isis, infrastructure , trump had been saying that stuff for a year. oh and BTW, her speech had no more specifics than trump did. Saying fixing infrastructure is a specific , trumps been saying that already. The Dems just eat it up trump has repeatedly said he will choose the best and the brightest for his admin
  6. Lol, nobody on the left has any room to talk about meddling or influencing elections
  7. Trump plays the left and the media, as well as Charlie Daniels plays the fiddle
  8. Whatever change or revolution or movement that everybody thinks that Bernie had, died when he stood up and nominated Hillary Clinton for president
  9. Exactly if she's telling the truth about her emails being all personal ,this is a civil matter matter not a national security matter. Donald set a trap, and he caught all the libs including Hillary and the media lol. If she's telling the truth , no problem, but if they're going to claim that this is a matter of nationsl security about personal emails, did she lie then or did she lienow? Actually I think she's always lying so there you go
  10. And another handful of shit thrown at the wall by the left.
  11. Did you listen or watch all of if in context? It was sarcasm and another Jab at Hillary and her emails. They sure can't hack anything lol, it's collecting dust now at the FBI evidence warehouse. I wonder if she could use a cloth now to wipe the server clean
  12. Poor libs, whatever happened to Debbie??? how pathetic of all the Bernie supporters, all just good little dnc lap dogs
  13. Man the left and the media are throwing all kinds of shit balls to the wall to see what sticks. it's fucking hilarious to see them lose their minds just make shit up and print it not to mention all business ties would be reported on your FEC filings, not tax returns
  14. This is too much fun watching the left and the media go off the rails about an issue that was already there According to Clinton, those 30k emails were all private, yoga pants , wedding plans, etc, so they have nothing to worry about right........
  15. Russia Released Hacked Hillary Emails in 2013 – US Officials Fear Kremlin Will Release 20,000 More Hillary Emails Before Election Jim Hoft Jun 30th, 2016 8:09 pm121 Comments US officials fear Russia will release 20,000 more hacked Hillary emails As reported earlier by Joe Hoft The Kremlin is debating whether to release the 20,000 emails they have hacked off of Hillary Clinton’s server.
  16. He didn't ask them to do a fucking thing, good lord you fucks are pathetic. Forget the fact Clinton created all this
  17. Trump is a genius lol, up until now the media pretty much ignored the 30k emails, now half the country is like, wait , what , 30k emails missing?? now how the left is worried about national security when Clinton had a server less secure than gmail in her closet
  18. Ok with what? Apparently you didn't listen to it lol, he sure wasn't advocating asking or instructing. He has said it before about finding the emails lol, he knew what to say to hijack the news cycle. If Russia has them they did it years ago, before Trump was on the scene poor libs, karma is a bitch
  19. Lmao, you clowns defend Hillary and her email BS, but this whole conversation wouldn't even exist if she didn't have a server in the closet less secure than gmail. If Russia has the emails, they got them years ago and hinted they had them already, Trump is once again playing the left and the media like a fiddle . where was the outage when palins email was hacked and the media scoured everyone of them?? faux outrage at a problem CREATED BY CLINTON HERSELF now the IRS is investigating the Clinton foundation lol. Another problem they created
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