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Everything posted by revrnd

  1. I recall a few years ago 1 of the regional police forces in the GTA (Peel?) was doing dB checks on bikes.
  2. I think they supply you w/ a lifetime supply of tinfoil hats.
  3. From Linkedn: Summed up: A useless fuck!
  4. Her lips are moving aren't they? How many of these Syrian fucks "lost" their papers? No different that former Nazis lying to get into Canada or the US. If they can't vet their candidates, they sure can't be expected to fully vet those clown from the big sandbox I'm on the road or it would be interesting to see if the Ptbo media had much to say. The apologists for her are basically saying, "What does it matter?" Bunch of addled brained morons. This whole ABC voting is going to turn out a lot worse as we move along. Who the fuck were the CPC & NDP candidates running against "Pisstank" McCallum, Adfolf Hitler & Jeffrey Dahlmer?
  5. Just curious if this is a new development w/ Ontario lawyers or not. Yesterday a woman in Peterboro who was stabbed & badly injured by the son of her "boyfriend" (who died in the attack) has sued the assailant & his mother ("boyfriend's ex-wife): http://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/2016/09/19/lawsuit-filed-against-murder-suspect-thomas-chan-mother-by-woman-injured-in-attack-that-claimed-life-of-dr-andrew-chan Today I hear on the news that the Neville-Lake family is suing Marco Muzzo & the family business for $22M: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2016/09/20/neville-lake-family-sues-muzzo-family-after-crash-that-killed-four.html I had never heard of a civil suit being filed in Ontario either during or after a criminal case is being tried. In the US the suit that the Goldman & Brown families filed against OJ after his acquitted was well publicized.
  6. From an email I sent to a fellow cyclist a while back: I used to see a similar lack of common sense w/ pedestrians @ the Four Corners in Oshawa (King & Simcoe) all the time. People @ the SE corner would be standing on the edge of the sidewalk waiting to cross to the west (as a northbound truck indicating a right turn) would make no attempt to step back IN CASE the truck driver cut the corner too sharp & would up on the curb.
  7. Well anyone that criticizes her sex ed curriculum is a homophobe. Gee thanks for playing the gay card you useless bitch!
  8. A cousin of my mother's has a cell tower on their acreage. Apparently it pays for the taxes of the property (roughly 100 acres). Sorry I don't have a dollar figure.
  9. For those that wondered what Seabiscuit did before she entered provincial politics: From Wiki': Is it any wonder she's hell bent on push thru her LGBT agenda? She was doing it @ the school level. Just a 1 trick pony w/ an ulterior motive.
  10. I'm pretty sure the testers would be only analyzing your breath for THC not meds. I wonder what lawyer fought the field sobriety test? You see people on COPS stumbling around or what ever & you know they're fucked. In Canada the cops have to get you to a station to a breathalyzer.
  11. Anyone planning on watching this or has the cobbled together teams turned you off? http://news.nationalpost.com/sports/chris-selley-world-cups-mashup-teams-are-a-pointless-gimmick When it was 1st announced I figured it was something for TSN to fill up its airtime w/.
  12. A poll released today says that 56% of voters approve of Wynnebag's 8% hydro rebate regardless of the cost. No mention of the other increases that will negate it. Horseface, Sousa & Thibeault probably laughing & laughing that the morons can be bought off so easily.
  13. Exactly! on the bold On the last bit, I seem to recall seeing something on TV about a year ago about this. Someone from Manitoba was saying that people have to get it into their heads that a BA in "Advanced Basket Weaving" is pretty much useless & saddles a person w/ a pile of debt. As my father used to say when someone was going on about having a BA, "You know what BA stands for? Bugger all".
  14. Does anyone have any experience w/ adding a heat pump (for supplemental heating) to an existing electric forced air furnace? Getting various comments like we would need to get a new furnace. The existing electric furnace has hardly been used since most of the time we've been heating w/ wood. Also in you know of a reputable heat pump business in Ptbo County that you'd recommend it would be great.
  15. Meanwhile CUPE Ontario is suing the gov't over the sale of Hydro One. Then a day after facing all sorts of criticism over the 8% reduction of hydro bills (which will be negated by the Carbon Tax & a Nov' 1 hydro rate increase) Wynnebag/Orville Redenbacher/Seabiscuit announces free post secondary tuition to familes that make less than 50 Gs a year.
  16. It's been called hydro for years on this side of the border. Most of our power was hydroelectric before the nukes were built.
  17. Last night she said she recognises Ontarians are having a hard time paying their hydro bills. I'm surprised she didn't say, "But think of the children!"
  18. If you're a sledder from the Hamilton area, please PM me. TIA
  19. I If you're talking about Glen Murray, he's leading Ontario's battle to save the planet from climate change. Pretty much wants to send our economy & society back to the pioneer days.
  20. The lead story on CBC Newsworld is Donald Trump's comments on the gun violence in Chicago. I turned it before the story began. Two questions, did nothing happen in Canada overnight (they could've continued talking about the Liberal MP's funeral) & who really cares? A person changes channels for 4 reasons anymore, when ever Wynnebag or Justine are on or when they newsreader starts talking about Hillary or Trump.
  21. Sean, what does the HTA say about cyclists when they catch up to a vehicle stopped @ an intersection (stop sign or traffic lights)? I'm pretty sure IIRC from my childhood, you're supposed to stop behind the last vehicle.
  22. Got a tip to use this stuff: http://www.por15.com/POR-15-Motorcycle-Fuel-Tank-Repair-Kit-_p_106.html
  23. On the idgit ledger today, a no name UTV went flying thru the village this morning. About 15 minutes later it returned. Two women in it, nether wearing a helmet. Mind you the passenger was wearing a golf visor. Probably didn't want to mess up their hair by wearing a helmet for their run to the LCBO for a couple of boxes of wine.
  24. Does anyone know of a shop or someone that repairs metal motorcycle/ATV gas tanks? The tank on the 200x has some issues w/ pin holes & I was wondering about having the interior cleaned & resealed? Hoping east of T.O. if possible.
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