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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. Explained many times there are things I disagree with Trump. To senile to remember? I'll take a hard line stance on illegals over the open border policy that idiot you support wants. Think about that dumb fuck.
  2. And Bernie would make college free. Just what do you think giving citizenship to illegals would do without secure borders? Open the floodgates more than they already are.
  3. Sorry but you do on this. Libs never think anyone should be responsible for anything except the wealthy. There are plenty of dangerous places for 4 year olds that all it takes is a bit of parental supervision for them to be safe. Kid can walk away from mom and dad at the mall and end up in a world of hurt. How about crossing the street? We can't protect everyone from themselves.
  4. Don't be too hard on Snowbevis, his white guilt makes him what he is.
  5. You are wrong. I don't want to send them ALL back. I do want to send any of them who have committed a certain level of crime back after they have SERVED THEIR TIME! I'm pretty sure this is Trumps stance. I realize we cannot send them all back but the path to citizenship must be difficult and have certain requirements. Having an anchor baby alone should not get you citizenship. Now because Mexico is our largest trading partner and that is the reason we shouldn't secure the border. Thought you Bernie supporters hated free trade. You really do crack me up.
  6. Whats funny is you would think guys like Vince and MC with being such a pro Obama guy would love the idea of a Trump candidacy to run against Hillary. I'm beginning to think they know he can win. What is also hilarious is people who generally are anti GOP are now posting how the old school GOP should oust Trump. Its really priceless to watch.
  7. Funny, MC used to be pretty hard core anti-illegal immigration even as his liberalism was growing. Makes one wonder what's changed his mind so much. Cheap labor???
  8. This article says it all. I despise the game the left plays categorizing you a racist if you say anything at all negative about illegal immigration or crime. Its like this the overwhelming majority of gun violence is gang related when a large % is Latino and Black. Bring up that simple fact and the left labels you a racist. That's fucking wrong. In American there is only one label worse than racist and that's pedophile. Surprised the left haven't pushed that agenda yet. There is plenty I disagree with Trump on....PLENTY but he is not going to left the media push him into a corner and I support that 100%. http://www.redstate.com/erick/2015/08/27/donald-trump-is-not-a-racist-dont-go-back-to-2005-republicans/ Here’s the thing though — the vast majority of Trump supporters are angry, but they are not racist. Certainly a loud element of racists have taken to Team Trump. His campaign needs to deal with that. But most of the people who are with Trump do not hate hispanic immigrants, they are angered by law breakers who are going unpunished. They are not opposed to immigration, but to illegal immigration. In 2005, as the Bush Administration began to push for comprehensive immigration reform, leadership elements both in the White House and the Congressional GOP reacted to opponents of the plan by labeling all of them racist. Again, there certainly are racists who oppose immigration reform, but the brush used to paint the opponents was so broad to demand that all opponents of immigration be considered racist. Again in 2015, the same thing is happening. Trump is taking a very vocal stand against law breaking, including crossing the border illegally. This has been interpreted not just by the left, but by Republican establishment leaders as “we hate brown people.” Trump has been clear this is not true
  9. I know exactly who he is and was. He was reasonable before he began working for MSNBC. The most liberal MSM outlet there is besides maybe the NYTimes. I could give 2 shits what he says or does. He's been pro Bernie for a while and soon will be pushing Hillary.
  10. Because he wants the borders secured and people who entered the country illegally to be dealt with as the law states? Because he recognizes as did Jimmy Carter that Muslims from certain countries pose a real threat to American's and we need a temporary ban to get a grip on who is coming here? Yeah that's really racist.
  11. Joe Scarborough! MSNBC morning host! You can't be serious?
  12. Better for it than Hillary or Sanders. That's all I need to know.
  13. So you want Hillary to be POTUS. Of course the article on wages doesn't talk about what the men and women are doing and the importance of their roles in the campaign. Only the wage difference. Looks like old Bernie is a sexist too. Try again MC. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/new-report-shows-bernie-sanders-highest-paid-staffers-are-all-dudes_us_56e993b8e4b0b25c91841ee0 Its easy to manipulate the numbers when it comes to gender and wages. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/feb/23/hillary-clinton-as-senator-paid-women-72-cents-on-/
  14. Its priceless to see people who idolize guys like JFK and Bill Clinton think Trump is a bad guy.
  15. Please Vince tell me how I should think. Trumps been in the public eye for 30+ years and was never called a racist before. People are not coming out in droves from his business and private life saying he's racist or sexist. In fact quite the opposite. There is a difference between overtly talking about women's appearance and a sexist. If he was a sexist he wouldn't be promoting women inside his business.
  16. All MSM is reporting Clinton clinching the nomination yet no super delegates have voted yet. Poor Bernie. In other words, primary voters today...... http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/06/politics/hillary-clinton-nomination-2016/index.html I hope this pisses Bernie off enough to run on his own.
  17. I'd bet there is literally thousands of places in State and National parks where kids could easily fall to their deaths at overlooks. Its not the Zoo's fault its the parents plain and simple.
  18. So let me get this straight. Its ok for African American's or Latino's to question a judges or jury's ethnicity but not for a white guy.
  19. MSM is in the bag for Hillary. They could fill every story for 2 years with her history yet will do nothing yet want to cover the most insignificant things on Trump that happened 30 years ago.
  20. It goes beyond racially dividing the country. He does it in many other ways as well. http://www.newsmax.com/Limbaugh/Obama-Divisive-Hannity-racial/2012/08/21/id/449226/
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