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Everything posted by motonoggin

  1. I wish one of these shit parties were actual traitors, lmao
  2. They'll do anything to conceal the consequences of capitalism
  3. If there was one thing I could eliminate it would be this two party "system" and partisan dipshits like those who infect this forum.
  4. That's demonstrably false and yet another myth the bourgeoisie have rammed down your throat with their mass media propaganda.
  5. Why do we concern ourselves with the bourgeoisie and their partisan puppet show at all?
  6. Keep sucking bourgeois dick and they're gonna keep fucking you dry.
  7. I think it's just plain idiocy, you have a room temperature IQ. Partisan politics is like pro wrestling for morons.
  8. No one is coming for your 401k. Private property = means of production.
  9. Playing the bourgeois game to perpetuate the bourgeois government, their bourgeois parties, and preserve bourgeois interests, while all along not belonging to the bourgeois class is classic wannabe behavior and makes you the ultimate simp and bootlicking swine. You're pathetic. Fuck this country and their government. I was just born on this dirt, I have no loyalty to its masters.
  10. You need to think this in order to preserve your loyalty to the bourgeois two party state.
  11. The Whitehouse? Are you fucking retarded? Everyone who has posted before me in this thread should kill themselves. Partisan trash.
  12. Lump me in with shitlibs again and I'll hunt you down and torture you to death in front of your family.
  13. Who is this "we"? Certainly not you and me? Or anyone on this forum? Incorrect. The government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the bourgeoisie.
  14. We had internal mask mandates long before covid. Biosecurity and food safety-like measures keeps everything clean. There was never any vaccine mandate and covid ripped through the place right after new years. The aerial live vaccine (omicron)pretty much did the trick. Lmao. Commies are gonna make you share your toothbrush.
  15. Communism is moneyless, stateless, and classless.
  16. Dude, let these rich people fight their own wars. Trying to be in solidarity with the ruling class and their global interests is 100% simping and bootlicking. They don't give a fuck about you, why do you give a fuck about them, their government, and their affairs?
  17. America has been losing since the Korean War. Wake up, nimrod.
  18. There is no ethical consumption under the global dictatorship of capital. You pussies won't resist shit. You'll just whine and go back home. Then bootlick and worship the next bourgeois leader they install.
  19. They're called magazines and it would have made this lame fucking meme less lame.
  20. Coercion isn't the same as willingly licking imperialist boots. I can't believe how stupid some of you will act trying to somehow prove me wrong.
  21. Lol it's probably Israel trying to stir shit up.
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