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Mileage Psycho

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Everything posted by Mileage Psycho

  1. I think you have a bad source of info. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=ciUniZGD4tY&feature=emb_logo https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks Wearing a mask when in public is no different than wearing a condom when fucking some strange, is any of it 100%? No but it sure is a lot safer than going in bareback, it's common sense.
  2. Not good. Governor Abbot say the numbers are unacceptable, but won't require masks in public.
  3. Time to treat the police unions like the air traffic controllers during Reagan's time.
  4. George Soros is Dracula, The Anti-Christ, and Lucifer rolled into one evil motherfucker At the 1:40 mark Alex Jones bring in the panel consisting of Soro, Hillary, and Arab Obama
  5. 800,000 predicted for the Tulsa rally by Brad Parscale.....that's Bunker Boy's campaign manager FTR.
  6. And the asshole got TikTokked by teens and K-Pop Stans https://twitter.com/parscale/status/1272191356845391875?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1272191356845391875&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Ftwitter.com%252Fparscale%252Fstatus%252F1272191356845391875%26widget%3DTweet
  7. Because D. Trump a known liar in the same vein as @Momorider said so.......
  8. Kneeling and the black man, scares and riles many....I don't get it.
  9. The rioting looting were over a week ago, the peaceful protests are continuing
  10. Who needs a bunker when you put miles of fence up around the White House?
  11. I have family and friends who are cops, they never see the bad any cops do.....really a lot like Trump supporters who never see Trump's incompetance and lies.
  12. Not me, the folks doing a great job are the thousands that are peacefully protesting across the country, and amazingly it's even gone overseas. I've never seen anything like it, and I'm old enough to remember the protests in the 60's.
  13. It's analysis of how past presidents reacted to crisis as compared to our current president
  14. It's incredibly sad that not one of the Trump supporters here addressed the article head on. Amazing isn't it, the huge crowds across the country in large cities and even small towns are marching and are protesting in a sustained manner, I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime. You have to think that there is change in the air.
  15. Do you have any concept of how stupid it sounds to compare a BJ to the disastrous responses our president has had to Covid 19 and George Floyd?
  16. I take it you don't care for our president being sized up against his predecessors, it doesn't look good and you don't like it.
  17. Good comparison of previous presidents responses to crisis as compared to the resopnses of our current president.
  18. College draft deferments, and when that ran out he developed heel spurs, hides in the bunker, then has miles of fencing extended around the WH. Trump is real far from being any profile in courage. Scared shitless here:
  19. All while our historically and presently cowardly president hides behind a fence. I guess he didn't think the bunker was safe enough.
  20. The last several days have been impressive, massive good behavior protesting display. What's less impressive is the bad behavior by some idiot police. Now all we need is for the politicians to stand up to the police unions and end the protections bad cops recieve under their collective bargaining agreements.
  21. Because you never stood up for anything you think protesting is gay. The Boston Tea Party was a protest, The Suffragettes were protesting, The Bonus Marchers were Protesting, the Civil Rights movement in the 60's was a protest, the Vietnam War Protests, etc.......all had an effect on life in the USA. Of course you would need to have a sense of history to understand that. So we know that say 5% of any section of society are true mental defectives such as Chauvin or the Joker in Chicago, so want to lump all cops in with the 5% just as the right wing whackos here want to lump all protesters in the Joker from Chicago.......myopic thinking in both regards. The Chicago Joker https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2020/06/02/timothy-odonnell-wearing-joker-mask-charged-with-torching-chicago-police-car-during-weekends-protest-violence/
  22. Why is a free thinker such as yourself always labeling folks en masse?
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