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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. Not true. My little slice of heaven is gonna overwhelmingly vote Hillary because they can't get Paul or Bernie, and so will the Electoral College (ass clowns). It matters not, and I won't feel responsible. I know...sounds like a "cop-out". And I feel a bit gross about it sometimes.
  2. So you just wanna pick a fight then? Go somewhere else. Or better yet, just choose someone else. My dance card is full right now.
  3. Ahh yes, the most mentally equipped, most deserving, vast majority and emotionally stable bunch in the human race. There...have fun with that for a while. you fucking dolt. Your avatar makes me want to hurt you.
  4. He was worse...he was Black Republican. Or is that better? Wait, was he gay too? A black, gay republican Presidential candidate...I can almost hear liberal brains exploding.......sounds like fucking snap peas.
  5. How very liberal of you. Now go pick up your sign and get the fuck back in line.
  6. Can somebody please translate this? I'm not sure how to respond.
  7. You are ignorance on a scale I have yet to see on the internet. Impressive.
  8. Not bad my man! A good post with an actual opinion not hacked from the headlines. And to tell you the truth, I just can't vote for either of them. And will not. But Trump's administration will get us in a better spot from an economic standpoint and create a lot more non-government jobs and start to slow the massive hemorrhaging. What I cannot wait to see is their first debate...HOLY SHIT SHOW! Smart money is on her tearing up in the first 15 minutes. And good...I hope that lying hag is verbally raped on stage in front of everybody. And boy..who better than that game show host to do it.
  9. I'm an athiest. Do you ever get anything right? Ahhhh...nevermind, you don't need to, again...perfect party for that. And it's amazing that blame doesn't have some type of shelf life within your party. Most of us find it incredibly bizarre. Did you go back to Nixon the other day? JESUS! This may start to become the end of my nicer posts to you. Buckle up cream puff!
  10. See..back on my point Dweeble 1, you think because I disagree with your shit-flinging liberalistic POV that you know me, or any of us outside of your curtain of butt-fucking whiners. Just not the case. I don't really care for most of those on there and can disagree with the best of them. And I actually met Cheney once with my wife at a fundraiser..yep...I shook his hand and it felt cold and dead. And his eyes looked the same. Did nothing for me. Fucking creep. And since you and a few others sure to like to include how virtuous you appear when mentioning the Vets, Ever lace up your own boots? It's my guess based on the constant crying about the Reagan years that you are plenty old enough to have laced em up and grabbed a weapon yourself. Butm why do I have a feeling that Reagan and the administrations after him didn't quite muster up to your ideals enough to put your money where your mouth is....Ahhhh....the Moral Deserter. The best of all kinds! You deserve Hillary. She's got a lot in common with your kind. Leadership for the idiots.
  11. It's a good time for all apparently. Glad I could be of some assistance. Seems like quite a bit of panty bunching, some back peddling, some explaining and posturing. Ahhhh.....good times with good friends. Here's a fucking cut and paste:
  12. Well, I tip my hat to you sir. I really don't bitch much...but I've been known to throw a good vent out every now and then. It's intellectual pugilism I'm after. Or better called "intellectual debate". Some can do it...some cannot. Mice and men my friend....mice and men.
  13. If you disagree with something I post, fine...let's hear your side. But the same old "boo hoo, somebody is hurting my feelings" is quite lame. If you cannot defend yourself on the internet...don't throw stones. And "Douch Bag"?....how very unoriginal. SO................Now's your chance to get back at all us meanie HCS guys You have that power right? Show me.
  14. Oh good grief....Give me a break! You and that other complete Ass-hat run around this forum doing nothing but that. Then, when it's turned on you, you "take the high road". What a load! Hold on...I've got to gather myself a bit.... You and "Dweeble 1" (BTW, you are "Dweeble 2") have to be the worst two excuses of anybody promoting the liberal mentality on FS. In fact, you and your idiot friends are the reason we now have Trump...and it's just another reason for us all to hate you which is really only "Trumped" (pun) by the better reason that you still don't understand that at all. If only there was a rock big enough to slide you all under. But it's too late for that. You are a disease in this world, and a somewhat effective and contagious one. And going back to my original post, a cure is forthcoming. Try to use your god damn brain and not look so fucking surprised when it's time for your "inoculation".
  15. Old video and I posted it earlier...but it really says a lot.
  16. Holy shit. My dad had that record. Bet I haven't heard that song in 30 years. WOW!
  17. I'd sure as hell doubt it. The time has come and passed for the Republicans to figure out their plan..they've got who they've got now. A complete derailment of the election process on both sides. But, it's been coming for a while.
  18. I know...it was a rant after reading some of the usual crap this morning. I am surprised at the low number of so called "prominent leftys" being absent from this though. Again...just a group of "cut and pasters" with no thoughts of their own other than to just fling shit at those that question their ideas. Which is weird too, because they really don't have any ideas of their own at all. Just a disenfranchised, "my life sucks because of someone else" bunch-o harpies. Status quo for America. And I'm pretty sure you know exactly why those DL's or, let's call them "voter cards", are being issued. Ahhh...I'm used to it. Although, it's weird not being sled based in any way.
  19. What? This directed at me? All I asked you to do is defend your position. And I think you just did.
  20. Don't cook tonight, chicken dinner is en-route.
  21. Well, I think we've slipped off the table a bit with the attempts at defining what makes up a free market economy. So be it. I guess without a lot of the "cut and paste" rhetoric from the FS heavy liberals, threads like this tend to go pretty stale quickly. Just kinda hoping some of the Die Hard Pro-Dems had any semi-intelligent thoughts of their own I guess. It's early yet though...I'll hold on......
  22. For the sake of the argument...let's just say our "free market" is about is about as "free" as any civilized country is gonna get. Let's not confuse societal definitions with economic.
  23. Well then, explain your position. Why do I have to answer that question? So you can try to debate my answer? Google it. Then go...explain, debate...prove your point or at least justify it.
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