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Everything posted by Snoslinger

  1. You’re one of the biggest fucking hacks in here. A welcher to boot. When that first bet was made between you and I , you were convinced nobody in the trump admin did anything in regards to Russia. Nothing. Yet here we are.
  2. Exhibit A. All the fake reasons you had to hate the Clintons, are on full display with trump, yet you love and cherish the man.
  3. Seriously? its quite simple really. 1) he’s everything I hate about people, all wrapped up into one. No compassion, crooked, a cheat, a narcissist, a major liar, blame pointer, credit taker, elitist, a hypocrite. I could go on but I won’t 2) you clowns got riled up about real stupid shit when it came to Obama. You got mad when people insulted generals. You got mad when you thought people weren’t being transparent. You got mad when you thought people were insulting soldiers. You got mad when people wanted to talk with dictators. You got mad when Obama, in front of the world, on stage, within mic distance of reporters, was talking to the former Russian President about having more abilities to bargain after the next election. Like it was something majorly secretive and crooked. You thought russia was our number one enemy. You thought the potus offering his opinion, when asked, about a major uprising in the country was awful and helping divide the country . You thought the potus should stay out of corporate affairs. I could go on and on again, but I think you got the point The fact that you can’t see why libs are irate at the POS in the WH, and you hacks who put him there, and still defend him? speaks volumes. Like you’re on the order of being brain dead in all honesty
  4. Well whenever I, or SR or anyone else takes a break , we “run away” in your simple mind. So what makes your situation different?
  5. Thinks there is a path for obstruction charges, yet doesn’t think trump did anything he’d have to obstruct makes perfect sense
  6. Well the shoe definitely fits on your foot. So why did you run away?
  7. You better look up the definition of a coward, and peer pressure while you’re at it. Where have you been anyway, well besides lurking? Thought maybe you and dumb Dave ran off to paradise together
  8. You have? You seem to be a little wishy washy on the subject. Just pointing to the dems might do it. Maybe I missed it? so if you feel there is path for impeachment, why do you think there was obstruction?
  9. Nothing has been debunked ya damn fool. The mueller report actually does the opposite. Just because the sitting potus is unindictable, and managed to put some of his cronies in place in plain sight, does not make him innocent. Anyone else that committed the same acts he did in all this would be going to jail. How the fuck can you look past all that? Ordering people to fire others for his protection. Ordering people to lie? Making up a bunch of lies? Refusing to be interviewed? I could go on and on but what’s the point. You chose to sleep in this bed and that’s fine, nothing will change it. But holy fuck maN
  10. I mean look at them, they’ve reached momo level of stupidity. What more proof does one really need.
  11. They can pull the “well I like some of the things he is trying to do” card all fucking day long but it is of no value. This place has always been heavily biased with some hackery, but many have taken it to a whole new level since trump. off the charts. What’s it done is make any of their future arguments valueless. Trump has fully exposed many.
  12. Thanks for the concern snakey, I think. but I am a big boy with thick skin. Some of you other pricks, go fuck yourselves
  13. It’s pretty obvious some of you have let the cat out of the bag. Agreeing trump should wipe the sweat off his brow and be thankful he’s not in legal trouble means you feel he did some bad shit and got away with it. Yet you sit there in silence , or bring up dem stuff instead of speaking your minds. Anyone who’s ok with the way this pos has acted in all this is either clueless, or a major hack. They’re definitely not a patriot, constitutionalist, or a concerned citizen.
  14. I’m not saying impeach him with hopes of actually impeaching him. Im saying do it for the exposure of him, as well as the rats that protect him, right around election time. Doing nothing but having hearing after hearing is a dumb idea. Then there’s the ethics value. No way in hell should a sitting president be allowed to get away with this shit. Our forefathers are turning over in their graves thanks to a bunch of dumb citizens.
  15. At times she is. This would be one of them.
  16. Oh BS. An impeachment process, smothering a sitting president, with a lot of damaging info floating around him at election time? Fucking please. Doing nothing is a huge win for trump, who’s going to run noses in shit anyway. You can’t play nice with this mother fucker.
  17. It would keep all that we know, and more, out in the open. It would also drive trump crazy. The repukes did it over much less.
  18. Lol. I am rejoicing watching you dumb fuck, fake patriots, fake constitutionalists defending a huge POS. A POS who’s been outed, not exonerated
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