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    2014 Ski-Doo GSX 900

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  1. How dumb can you get? Don't answer that we already know the answer (because you parade it around all the time). Those were provincial bi-elections. Nothing to do with the federal Tories.
  2. It doesn't matter what they think about it. It gets them off the streets for long periods of time. It's hard to repeat offend when you are in jail. Again, you are naive. 5 years is never that long. They get credited with double time for time served prior to conviction and all terms are maximum with usually only a third of the time served. We would be lucky if the actual time served was 1 to 1.5 years.
  3. How naive of you. If it doesn't stop the shootings what makes you think there would be any change in what a policeman thinks? The Federal Government needs to put their efforts and funding into things that will make things better rather than giving the impression that they are: - more enforcement at the border to stop illegal guns from entering Canada - harsher penalties for crimes involving guns. No bail for anyone committing a crime with a gun (no getting out before the police finish the paper work - they stay in jail until their trial is over and only released if they are innocent). Life in jail with absolutely no parole for anyone who kills with a gun. 25 years in jail with absolutely no parole for anyone who uses a gun while committing a crime. I really don't care if they eventually make hand gun ownership more difficult, but they need to solve the illegal gun problem first and stiffen the penalties for crimes with hand guns.
  4. Postal code is a great system if you only drive in your own area. Much better to use your driving history. That goes where ever you drive.
  5. The first sentences in your post say it... I think Doug Ford is scrambling and for obvious reasons he is in way over his head, this isn't something he ever dreamed of dealing with. He probably sees this as something to combat his closures of businesses.
  6. Your hatred of Doug is clouding your judgement. Ontario has approximately 40% of Canada's population but in almost every covid stat. that has been published we are contributing less than 40% (in some cases much less). Obviously Ontario is doing many of the right things.
  7. It doesn't take brains to deny the obvious....
  8. I think the following charts show precisely how they are working...
  9. Since you state that 84% of the eligible population is fully vaccinated when the daily cases reaches 50/50 it means that the unvaxed cases come from 16% of the eligible population. That makes them 5+ times more likely to get covid. Not very good odds.
  10. Okay Mr. Smart Guy. We are paying interest on that debt. If you never pay any of it back and the debt keeps going up, we will be paying increasing interest forever and never reducing the principle. I bet we have payed the debt many times over. If we have many more years like this one we won't be able to even pay the annual interest.
  11. I see from the article you supplied that one rate has almost doubled, another has gone up by approx. 1/3 and the other has actually gone down from last year. In Fail economics this means that all rates have doubled. If you look back in the year chart the rates are even higher before they were artificially lowered by borrowing money. You FAIL again. You can't make it true by stating your fantasy data over and over again. Still haven't seen proof of your hydro costs doubling....
  12. Still haven't seen any proof that your bill has doubled (i won't hold my breath). Irregardless, this was all caused by McGuilty and no-Wynne. They spent billions and then borrowed money to artificially lower bills immediately to be paid back by our children. Its like a speeding train, it takes along time for the brakes to take effect. With you there is no pretending to be dumb. You are, and seem to be proud of it.
  13. As I said...deflect...deflect...deflect. The off peak price is just one of 3 prices. How did the other 2 compare? Like I said show us your bill to prove your cost has doubled (absolutely no chance of this ever happening...). The over all bill is the only way to really to see what effect the rate change has made. With your lack of financial and mathematical knowledge it is no wonder that you make ridiculous claims based on the change of one of 3 rates for hydro power.
  14. I just checked my payments for the end of last year and the beginning of this year. Largest increase in Feb. was about 20% (total bill not rates) and last month it was about 20% less. Is this just another one of those items that you keep repeating and then expect everyone to believe you? Show us your bills from last year and this year to prove your point (you can blank out address and account number). I won't hold my breath waiting for you to post your actual bills. Hold on I hear some keyboard input coming from you.... " deflect...deflect...deflect...deflect... Why won't these people accept my oneway views, I've repeated them often enough to make them true!"
  15. Seems like you are generating your own fake news in your undying need to make Trudeau (should be Liedeau) look good (an impossible task). In the Global News story below, Scheer submitted the costs to the Conservative Party and they approved the expenses. He didn't steal anything. May not have been a proper expense but the Conservative Party should have turned it down. OTTAWA — Andrew Scheer billed the Conservative party for his kids’ private Catholic school, private security, an extra housekeeper, his minivan and clothes for his family, a party review of the outgoing leader’s spending has concluded. The audit found his expenses — including $18,000 per year in private school tuition fees — were properly recorded by the Conservative party but not shared in an itemized way with the powerful group overseeing the party’s finances, known as the Conservative Fund. READ MORE: Trudeau, Scheer among MPs to donate pay increase to charities amid coronavirus Party spokesman Cory Hann confirmed the audit was complete and had been reviewed by the party’s national council. “The party’s audit found no red flags in the party’s accounting system and noted that all the expenses that were paid out were documented fully,” Hann said in an email Thursday. He also said the Conservative Fund considers the matter closed. The audit had been ordered last fall. Questions about how Scheer had been using party money began to surface at the same time as senior Conservatives were publicly calling for him to resign. They cited his failure to knock the Liberals out of power in the 2019 campaign and his perceived inability to do so in the next campaign. Just as Scheer was announcing he’d step aside as soon as his replacement was chosen, it became public that party money had been used to pay for his children’s private school tuition. While the party immediately said the move was above board, in the background a battle was raging between Scheer and the fund. Former Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper was on the board at the time. The party allocates a budget to the leader meant to cover political expenses that wouldn’t be paid by the House of Commons but are part of the job, and also to potentially defray some of the leader’s general expenses. READ MORE: Conservative Party leadership race suspended, committee cites COVID-19 pandemic But the specifics of Scheer’s expenses were not known by the fund and once details of the tuition payments were leaked, Harper and others were furious. Harper’s own children went to public school. There are also publicly funded Catholic schools in Ottawa. The ensuing fracas saw the fund push the party’s executive director — who had authorized the spending — out of his job and demand a line-by-line review. As leader of the Opposition, Scheer made about $264,000 a year. That was before the automatic salary increase that took effect Wednesday, but he is promising to donate the difference to charity. He also receives a $2,000 car allowance. He and his family live rent-free in the official Opposition leader’s residence, Stornoway, although they continue to maintain a home in Regina. The money for schooling covered the difference between the cost of a private Catholic school in Regina and in Ottawa, amounting to $18,000 in total a year for Scheer’s four school-age kids. READ MORE: Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer resigns, vows to stay on until new leader chosen Hann confirmed the Scheers expensed clothing, a housekeeper and money for school to the party. Other details, including the minivan, security and the amount spent on tuition came from a senior Conservative source familiar with the audit who was granted anonymity by The Canadian Press because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. Hann said the clothing the Scheer family expensed was used for campaign appearances and other party events. The minivan made appearances in some of the party’s advertising and was often cited by Scheer as proof of his “average Canadian” background compared to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It was used mainly to get the family around Ottawa. A spokesperson for Scheer said he had nothing to add to the disclosure of the details of the audit. Scheer has refused to discuss it in the past, saying only that it was an internal party matter and details would be made public in due course. The review took place as part of the party’s overall accounting of its 2019 election campaign spending. Part of that was determining why Scheer’s office expenses came in at $500,000 over their normal budget. READ MORE: ‘State of crisis’: Doctors warn some coronavirus protective gear will run out in days The review concluded that his office had taken on pre-election expenses that should have been run through the party itself. The leadership contest to replace Scheer was to conclude June 27, but is now on hold in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though the spending controversy had largely faded from public view, it still simmered in the background for Conservatives.
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