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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. How Trudeau did this will be interesting How can a person live an entire life and hasn't even got 5k in assets accumulated is the real sad part, think about that instead of your ridiculous TRUDEAU did it I doubt this is a normal situation anywhere else in Canada
  2. CPC MEDIA asks the tough questions of their employer 1 in 10 people eat here and people believe him
  3. IT is this EASY KAT followed Freeland on an airplane, claims she asked her (KAT) to influence for her THE CPC SUN prints story as fact CPC SHEEP GO BAAAA BAAA Truly remarkable how CPC media team operates
  4. This is all it takes Make it up Post it for the morons There is no end to the lies and deceit
  5. CPC sheep voters are hoping for THE GOVERNMENT to do everything for them unlike Trudeau. The new Conservative can only operate with GOVERNMENTS are involved. Gone are the days of 'Work Hard you get ahead" now it is "beg PP Government for help"
  6. CPC MEDIA says it is over You got to love this new blatant BIAS reporting, these news sources are a joke now
  7. THE CPC is hot on it make it up repeat it repeat again now fact
  8. PP does because he lies daily Trudeau is just following along as he has stated many times FEDs can only send money they can't do anything more as it is the Province responsible Here is the clip and an complete idiot spewing nonesense. I'll believe the Prime Minister of Canada over this guy LET ME BE CLEAR
  9. Worst Hydro in the country and soon these ideas will be from our new PM lying PP
  10. YEs it does PP said he had cheap housing when he was Minister but than says Trudeau ran against the HIGH COST BACK THEN WHEN PP WAS LYING MINSTER Not sure what you don't get?
  11. AGain your lack of understanding that governments do not set housing price is clear. Stop with the PP bullshit and move on to real questions what a fucking joke thinking Governments have anything to do with the cost of a house, simple stupid
  12. PP says under him housing was cheap? then says they are expensive? Like I said the trees are in the way of you seeing the forest
  13. in 2015 Trudeau said he would fix the expensive housing PP just stated this many times so it must be fact. People like you can't see the forest due to all the trees in the way
  14. CONVOYers very upset with Capital Gains tax increase After looking up what the GAINS actually was they got even more angry. Here is ToSlow
  15. if in 2015 Trudeau was promising affordable homes for youths then that means under Harper/PP homes were not affordable like PP LIES about. Here he actually states this fact and THE SHEEP GO BAAA bAA
  16. you mean workers that make Canada? or you another hater of the working people
  17. You will never see any Conservative leader support workers that unite in any way
  18. PP answers the tough questions brought forth by his FAKE MEDIA She really goes after the real answers Never has a Opposition Leader been asked such difficult unfair questions
  19. PP will take over all Provinces and force his vision of HATE on the people Did you know we have no drug recovery in Canada? no I didn't know that PP will start this recovery program under his dictatorship, you will be forced to enter the program actaully states The Government will round up the addicts and force them into recovery. PRovinces will no longer be in charge of Health
  20. CPC LYING MP state that Canadians can not go on vacation this year due to the added $13 for a tank of GAS, this ends any notion of going with the family anywhere this summer These people sure are fucked up lying pricks
  21. PP claims CANADA will start to sell OIL to the WORLD once he is elected although we already do sell OIL to the WORLD his base is unaware of it. Will not give money to other countries and claims that money will be given to you
  22. ALBERTA the Province of HATE and LIES Highest unemployment in the country (not NL) Highest hydro and most black outs Highest Natural Gas Common statement from Premier "TRUDEAU" responsible for everything
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