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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. Criminal activity from convoy organizers would be top thing. Still wondering what happened to the 10 million raise with GOSENDME - no one is asking and that is troubling The Emergencies Act sets out the terms for cabinet to set up the inquiry announced Monday. It says an inquiry must be held "into the circumstances that led to the declaration being issued and the measures taken for dealing with the emergency." 2 of the 4 criminal are still in jail, this speaks volumes as to their character. We should find out more about the bad police beating on innocent protesters, running them over with horses and stuff. CPC isn't going to be looking to good after this, I would assume part of Trudeau's plan
  2. I see they are giving PEE PEE trouble over his and wife's rental homes, the topic is a dumb one for an election. They are crying for rentals If you buy and rent you are a flipper and raising prices building affordable housing is a stupid topic - The only answer is to crash the housing market to make housing more affordable.. It is a no win situation How does a career Politician get to own several properties? oh he isn't a Liberal so it doesn't matter
  3. well we all know he was right to do it and it was legal for him to do it but they will dig into the whole convoy thing and this is where it is going to benefit us. I hope the CONVOY and its followers get what is coming, most Canadians hope this. I am wondering where all the poor Truck drivers are today? doesn't that concern you? WE blocked borders and occupied Ottawa for these few truckers makes me laugh Toslow THE COVOYers still meet every Saturday in Barrie I can't believe there are 50 - 100 cars still parading around without a purpose They randomly drive around for 2 hours then go home IRV was there
  4. all ONEWAY thought aside, this is a good thing as we can learn many things. was it warranted exactly why it was called is going to be sweet There is no negative side of this for us and it could be a negative for Trudeau if the inquiry doesn't go his way
  5. when the bullet hits the bone
  6. Linda has an awesome voice. Great song here, lyrics are strong and well done
  7. $14 million for Muskoka hospital just 5 weeks to go then Gift Monday is over
  8. so many far RIGHT WACKO choices this election Sloan will bring it back https://www.ontarioparty.ca/meet_derek_en
  9. Jim needs you to RUN with him 2 spots still open Nickel Belt & St. Catharines https://www.newblueontario.com/candidate-application-1
  10. 1trailmaker


    THE PHILTHY DOG Phil is a legend
  11. I watch the Canada border TV show so I have seen them look at phones many times Fact under Stephen Harper he had a law made to search your devices without limitation Fact under Trudeau it is being corrected to have limitations
  12. Quick facts In October 2020, the Court of Appeal of Alberta ruled in R v Canfield and R v Townsend that the examination of the content of personal digital devices by the CBSA is unconstitutional under the Customs Act (CA), as paragraph 99(1)(a) imposes no limits on such examinations. These offences include prohibited goods that pose a threat to public safety (e.g., child pornography, obscenity, etc.), and undervalued or undeclared goods. If you read it then why are you insisting Trudeau is changing something and removing rights? He has nothing to do with this law
  13. You should actually read what was posted, you might need the knowledge one day. Here is the link to the bill admendment reading in Senate not the Parliament Sen Marc Gold introduced the amendment https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/S-7 chose to be educated or be like AC, it is your choice
  14. I doubt you have read anything on this or really any topic we talk about. AC stupid meme has made us learn a few things. Ends up that the law under Harper had no limitations on reading your devices and a federal Judge ruled it was unconstitutional for that reason. The Bill amendment (which is from the SENATE not Trudeau and Parliament ) will make limitations on searching. https://www.canada.ca/en/border-services-agency/news/2022/03/government-of-canada-introduces-bill-to-safeguard-traveller-privacy-and-rights-in-the-examination-of-personal-digital-devices.html Explain how this is a bad thing? the ONEWAY is a strange one
  15. Ya the Lady yelling in the video sure does AC date
  16. 1trailmaker


    Solid Defense tonight
  17. I will help you out and AC can hopefully follow along. BILL S-7 was A Harper government BILL first reading in DEC 2014 and became law June 2015, What is happening now is to enhance the BILL and set out specific rules to be followed when reading devices. https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/en/bill/41-2/s-7 So in fact TRUDEAU is making the citizen have MORE protection from searches AC and Golden PUP fail at understanding, Golden PUP knows exactly who their readers are
  18. I f they want you to unlock your phone and you refuse it is a simple DENIED ENTRY. If you are a Canadian they can hold you for 3 days and have your phone unlocked since that this point they would feel you have criminal activity. Going to the States is the same And they can finger print you in secondary going to USA there is no options and you have no Right to deny, unless you don't want to enter the USA. Best to do what they ask
  19. are you saying you can't be searched? okay tough guy
  20. search BILL s-7 and get back to me - amazing what you post
  21. You have no RIGHTS at a border NONE. They can search all your positions without cause or warrant. This is not new - they actually have TV shows based on border security I will ask again when has your phone/computer/laptop or anything not been subjected to search
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