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Everything posted by spin_dry

  1. Chauvin’s previous record shows the type of psychopath he is. He eventually went too far and it got caught on video.
  2. The wind turbines in Texas weren’t equipped to deal with the record cold temperature. Since the big freeze they’ve all been retrofitted with low temperature lubricants. As for solar panels, the colder it is the more efficient they are.
  3. After getting fucked hard by ATT back in 2006, I’ve vowed to never darken their door again. I’m very pleased with T-Mobile. Verizon can suck cock too.
  4. The deviancy being discussed here does require a high level of intellect to pull off.
  5. The Abraham accord was destined to fail. Which it has. It failed to involve the Palestinians, Yemen, or Iran. You now see the results of how short sighted the so called “peace plan” actually is.
  6. The price of deregulation. Profit ahead of performance.
  7. Don’t know who that is. But here’s yours. Ted Bundy. Worked for the Republican Party.
  8. Why didn’t the republicans with intelligence connections nail him with it? Hmmmmm
  9. 3rd most powerful man in the United States is a convicted child molester. And get this….no other republican knew about it.
  10. Republicans go for underaged boys. Ex-House Speaker settles child sexual abuse payments suit https://apnews.com/article/lawsuits-sexual-abuse-illinois-dennis-hastert-99160a4428db66e86da8e275e57c8ec7
  11. What do Israelis do to informants? Take them for ice cream at Dairy Queen?
  12. The deal was between the Saudis and Israel. There’s no doubt that the timing of the attack was to deep six the deal. For Biden to claim it was his plan is very disingenuous. No different than Trump claiming he clinched a peace deal in the Middle East. If anything he inflamed the situation.
  13. Middle eastern terrorists disguised in Caucasian rubber suits. I heard from Alex Jones.
  14. He’ll double down on stupidity. It’s what he does.
  15. 13 months away from Medicare and a supplemental. That’ll be like getting a raise.
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