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Everything posted by odot1

  1. odot1

    Theft Ring Caught

    We pay extra per cheque to achieve our 80 factor. We retire with years of service plus age equals 80. We retire withoutout penalties and full pension. We are not Omers. So yes, on average my pension contribution per pay is alnost twice that of other Provincial workers.
  2. odot1

    Theft Ring Caught

    Not to bad.... would love to see more time but better tgan typical wrist slaps.
  3. Thanks!!! You've already done soooo much!!!!!
  4. Update... just a $100 left to reach our $1000 goal (offline donations included) and 25 days to the event!!! Thanks to all for the support both financially and otherwise!! Once again Rupert and I are able to make a small difference to a worthy organization that gave so much to us. Sean http://bigpaws2017.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1174618&lis=1&kntae1174618=616ED34439DB4425B2EB6A3D13D9B8B2&supId=330634516
  5. Update... just a $100 left to reach our $1000 goal (offline donations included) and 25 days to the event!!! Thanks to all for the support both financially and otherwise!! Once again Rupert and I are able to make a small difference to a worthy organization that gave so much to us. Sean http://bigpaws2017.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1174618&lis=1&kntae1174618=616ED34439DB4425B2EB6A3D13D9B8B2&supId=330634516
  6. ATV is where sledding was before OFSC. A few organized trail systems but no unifying body and voice. As for liability all atvs are required to be insured unless it's your atv on your property. I'd assume the operational clubs have isurance akin to OFSC for their trail systems.
  7. Yup. Under 12 requires parental supervision. Scary, eh??
  8. AC is correct G2 or better. However unlike sleds no licence requirements on the trail..
  9. Again we agree on things! We'll see what easily accesible pot brings. Maybe the increased gov't revenue will lower my income taxes!!!!
  10. Actually have seen this is pot smokers. Occasionally some become paranoid and confused. Its not the majority but it does happen.
  11. Kinda fingured! Afterall... you're not Zoso! Cops are bothered by the lack of proper guidelines and tools to deal with the impaired by drug stuff most really don't get that excited about... they may or may not support it but like everything else.. its coming regardless so no point in bitching.
  12. Some things, yes we have discretion on. Not everything. As for taking pot of someone and sharing it destroys my integrity and makes me criminal.
  13. Cops have zero say in laws passed and/or repealed. I think you'll find rarely is anyone charged with possession of a single joint. Again attitude and circumstances usually dictate the outcome of any interaction.
  14. Depends on the person, the copper and the actual amount. But the reality is that it's still illegal...
  15. I don't disagree with you at all on that. We are already seeing an upward trend in its use and various issues associated with it. As for official statement from gov't there will be none. It comes from our internal briefings and memos and unfortunately I can't make those publics. In the end the legalisation just means even more job security for me.. and more O/T. I do drink kool aide! Grape is my by far my fave!
  16. Actually its very factual. Ive no reason to make up anything up.
  17. http://crosstownengines.com/engines/our-services/marine-engines/ These guys are always advertising on Powerboat television.... may be worth a look.
  18. Sadly, this was already known to the gov't who were advised by Colorado gov't to rethink legalisation.
  19. I'd say about 75% are digital with e-ticketing and computers on board. That climbs to about 99% in the GTA. Most of us have an app on our phones with all the statutes, criminal code etc... has fines, wordings, demerit point levels. Designed and built by a couple coppers... works great...available off-line as well. I think its about $15 for 2yr subscription.
  20. Had one very similar... a 1990. Great boat!! Fast and agile and still good fuel economy. Had twin OMC King Cobras 4.3L.
  21. Perfect. I do my best to provide a positive interaction when youth are involved for the very reason you mention.
  22. Glad that turned out ok!!! We're not all assholes.... (despite what Zoso would have you believe)
  23. The only real noise legislation on the water revolves around mufflers/exhaust. As you suggested within city limits their bylaws or around provincial parks, federal parks (lock stations and various islands) would apply but beyond that I can't think of any other legislation. Not boating (off duty) yet...sigh... been one of those years where everything that can go wrong or work against you has... Will keep you posted tho!!!
  24. I agree with you. I'd think right off the bat MNR would be very interested. I know the towns has some say but MNR and MOE always have final say. Transport Canada would be interested from a navigational perspective as well.
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