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Everything posted by revkevsdi

  1. And 8 when he started. To make the same percentage gain your lying hero will have to hit 40,000 by the end of his mythical 2nd term.
  2. The U.S. bailout of GM and Chrysler, which received about $12.5 billion, saved 1.5 million jobs in the United States, according to the Center for Automotive Research. Do you really count that as a loss sparky?
  3. Lol. The rebel is so full of shit they quote their own fictitious articles as sources. I bet you read their news and get your knickers in a twist every day.
  4. Would it be ok if he corrected himself and said Mexican construction workers?
  5. Of course they will defend Trump. They’ll defend him for lying l, they’ll defend him for the tariffs. They’re defending him for claiming he had no dealings with Putin and then admitting he was part of a deal with a Russian bank and a promise of a 50 million dollar condo for Putin. If Trump was buying, they’d sell their sisters to him.
  6. Yet the ones who published articles disputing mmgw for people like Dave and flat earth had a lot more money at their disposal.
  7. Are you sure those rumblings weren’t just a bad case of gas?
  8. This is the thread that keeps on giving. Thanks Trump
  9. Who continues to make money convincing gullible people like you that mmgw is a hoax?
  10. When they prove the earth isn’t round then you and your fellow deniers can claim a victory. Until then you are as dumb as the people that think smoking is healthy.
  11. though this item is superficially “true” in the sense that the words quoted above were indeed written by John Coleman, the statement that they “refute” global warming (i.e., prove it to be false) is something of an exaggeration. As Coleman’s critics have noted, he did not hold a degree in climatology or any related discipline, nor did he study or conduct any research in that field; he merely parroted arguments advanced by others: It appears that In Trump world opinion equals facts.
  12. A Rocket!!!!!!! “30,000 by the end of the year wouldn’t surprise me, Thanks Trump”
  13. You know, when you go on your little fantasy rants about putting holes in people or daydreaming about society collapsing so you can "show those liberals a thing or two" It's funny, because you think people believe you.
  14. Notice how many laugh at your internet tough guy fantasies?
  15. First intelligent thing he's said since he's been in office. Maybe he really does care about the deficit.
  16. Right Dave. You mean like following the money. Dummies like you Keep believing there is big money behind a climate hoax even after Exxon admitted they knew it was real and have been covering it up. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ https://corporate.exxonmobil.com/en/current-issues/climate-policy/climate-perspectives/our-position It'll be interesting when Trump finally admits to colluding with Russia, you silly fucks will still deny it.
  17. So both Bush Presidents lied, spent Billions or Trillions and lost lots of soldiers in wars they fabricated evidence to start. But Obama said you could keep your Dr. and some people couldn't, so Obama is the worse President ever. Got it. Good work Merca.
  18. He said he was going to reduce the troops, but he increased them. It's unlike him to lie to the people, I wonder what's up.
  19. Haven't you been paying attention. To the record number of forest fires from the droughts? Recently. New Orleans, Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico, South Carolina and New York have been pummelled by storms. Was that happening as often in the 80"s and 90's? If we are having record forest fires when we have satellite tracking and much better planes for dousing the fires, doesn't that clue you in that there may be an issue besides raking the forest? The UN and the Whitehouse released studies saying the climate change is real and we need to act. Then your habitual liar and walking cheeto said he doesn't believe it. So you idiots believe him.
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