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Everything posted by hwytohell

  1. When Mika took a off year from college and spent her time in Paris with a older gentlemen , drinking, watching porn together and viewing live sex shows............................
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3984190/Serial-sexter-Anthony-Weiner-spotted-New-York-stint-Tennessee-sex-rehab-estranged-wife-Huma-Abedin-gets-gussied-welcome-home-SHARE.html
  3. http://theweek.com/articles/664407/delusional-melodrama-jill-stein If the goal is to stink up the system , fine. Why in the hell didn't stein take on a recount of the thin margin states that hilliary won ? In time the money trail of donations will tell the story.............................
  4. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/307997-dems-face-choice-of-unseating-pelosi mrs. dembankster money bags will be re-elected.
  5. stabusall and miller only show up for a photo op just before election time, to spread the taxpayers monies around an claim they alone did the work .
  6. Plus the political party that started the raid on S.S. funds to feed the so called wants of gubermint. " I propose a lock box for social security " The only fucking thing in the S.S fund is a pile of sixty year old paper iou's. Thanks fdr you lying prick!
  7. http://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2016/11/29/rep-sander-levin-not-seek-dems-top-seat-house-ways-and-means/94631676/ Another picture added to the wall of much needed term limits. 12 years in the U.S. house , 18 in the club senate.
  8. http://buffalonews.com/2016/11/27/50-years-great-lakes-shipwreck-took-28-lives-lone-survivors-tale/ More https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Daniel_J._Morrell
  9. If ?? it is true that Dr. Stein has fallen into the soros - clintoons network of deep pocket$, she will be swept into the dust pan of political history quick.
  10. Freddy , did anyone stop by the mission an hand out free diaper pins ?
  11. http://www.espn.com/racing/nascar/cup/story/_/id/18157738/clint-bowyer-sues-hscott-motorsports-missed-payments-commission
  12. http://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/11/28/elections-staff-layout-recount-timeline/94539210/
  13. Any dem with a pulse an a IQ over five could have beat hilliary rotten clintoon. Sen. Sellout Sanders (i d) had his foot on the neck of that woman an the party chieftains an he clutched .The dem party needs a total forest fire then rebuild, that dembankster party is corrupt to it's Wall Street core.
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3978944/Active-shooter-reported-Ohio-State-University.html
  15. Newman has a deal with Cat and a few other sponsors that if he goes to another team , they go with him. RCR had to keep him for the empire of cards . Dale Jarrett had the same type deal with UPS. UPS did push hard for Jarrett to step down into the truck series, but that was a no go. " Dale drive the truck " meme. In todays francecar a driver has to bring multi funding sponsors to a team for a seat behind the wheel.
  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/26/opinion/sunday/election-therapy-from-my-basket-of-deplorables.html?ref=opinion&_r=0
  17. Plus the well known francecar blind eye on e sr. + childress racing #3 cars an safety. People need to eat ...........................
  18. http://www.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/kimberly_atkins/2016/11/atkins_time_for_jill_stein_hillary_clinton_to_call_it_quits
  19. dr. stein is laughing her ass off all the way to the bank. Just read the fine print on her web site. The media and dems that lost are spinning this like peas in a blender, at the end of the one state count the dems will be behind even more in the vote tally.
  20. If you like Makers, you need to try Elijah Craig. imo
  21. Makers is good stuff. Have you tried Elijah Craig ?
  22. Rumor on the net from the up-coming "clintoonworld" book is that, hilliary, slapped robby mook twice, gave billy jeff a complete public curse filled dressing down, told off huma for all to hear, an blamed weiner, clocked john podesta with a alcohol bottle after he told the dems to go home and there would be more info later, and get this, the queen went on a rampage an did over 10 k worth of damage to the hotel room after conceding to trump via phone call (s) she hung up once , then went on a severe elbow bender an passed out. A cnn imbedded reporter has the play by play on her personal cell phone, just waiting for her payday release. If any of this is true an comes out on video it will be priceless.
  23. Wonder what political party in American history has killed more people ...............................................
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