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Everything posted by Crnr2Crnr

  1. aren't the panels manufactured (formed) in gray, or are they just being finished in gray?
  2. seems no matter how wide the trail is or if it's fresh groom or not, people around here seem the like to ride in the center of the trail, when the aren't riding off the trail. people?
  3. very funny weekend update has always been my favorite part of SNL - the joke swapping is hilarious
  4. On December 5, Officer Crocker attempted to stop Lt. Nazario, who was driving a new 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe with a temporary plate "taped to the inside of the rear window of the vehicle," on U.S. 460, according to the filing. The stop was originally for a lack of a rear license plate. Officer Gutierrez soon joined in on the stop. https://wjla.com/news/local/lawsuit-virginia-officers-assault-army-lt-during-traffic-stop-tell-him-to-let-it-go the cop with the body cam, clearly an asshole roid rage agreed obviously not in this case, cop must have thought his actions were 'justified' agreed that's because we're white agree 111% - these douchebags would have probably written him a ticket for being on his phone while driving. another smart move the Lt. made, he left his phone on and recorded the 'conversation' there's good cops, bad cops, and those who shouldn't even be cops. obviously these two should not be cops. The officers then told Lt. Nazario to "chill and let this go," saying that if he did, they wouldn't file charges. However, the officers also said, "if '[Lt. Nazario] fought it [or if he] argued which was his right as a citizen, [they] would charge [Lt. Nazario with crimes], have [Lt. Nazario] go to court, notify command, and do all that,'" per the filing. The lawsuit alleged the officers failed to report multiple details in their reports, as well as fabricating parts such as Lt. Nazario not having a temporary plate displayed and saying the lieutenant slapped Officer Crocker's hand away.
  5. possibly, I know a lot of folks that have cooped up the entire time and been precautious, and just as many that have went about as if everything was perfectly fine. it may have had to do with schools, can't say with certainty. regardless I find the statistics interesting but haven't correlated any distinct mechanism or causation I'm willing to point my finger at, other than 'there's a lot of deniers of science and facts in Michigan'
  6. more people getting vaccinated, more people staying home, distancing and wearing masks %-wise I'd imagine? Wisco *death count is 7,380 deaths where Michigan is at 17,552 we had a pretty big case count spike here in mid-November we're currently sitting at 24.2% fully vaccinated, Michigan is at 21.8% interesting stuff, you can change parameters state by state https://www.google.com/search?q=wisconsin+covid+cases&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS737US737&oq=wisconsin+covid+cases&aqs=chrome..69i57j0j0i131i433i457j0l5j0i131i433j0.13429j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  7. as a snowmobiler (this is a snowmobile website right?) this winter sucked (here) for snowfall and severe* winter storms. severe* - weather conducive to actually going snowmobiling
  8. with all that free space and 'logic', maybe we should just open the borders.
  9. we've been continuously warming since the last ice age, right? what should be more alarming but seemingly isn't is that global population (use-consumption/cause-effect) has grown at a more alarming rate. where do the same scientists and politicians that want to raise the warning flags on climate change stand on that cause-effect of population growth? like a swarm of locust, we are gobbling up our own resources faster than we can replenish them. maybe we need a good virus or pandemic to stem the tide of global population growth?
  10. there's a lot of deniers of science and facts in Michigan
  11. https://fb.watch/4MHBqA6ODJ/ so while BRP is offering Lynx, ride control and a new MachZ, Polaris has a mountain turbo, 650/850 and seven flavors of Indy's - Cat is tripling down on their MARKETING efforts to push CHEAP mid-sized 400cc sleds and ZR200's? did Thief River Falls start importing drinking water from Flint Michigan? someone help me out here...
  12. Crnr2Crnr


    I know a guy that sells Tapp clutches...
  13. Look who finally joined the shit show. Tis him. Greg B. Ramstad.
  14. Marketing gurus had no trouble spending $30k+ for a display booth at the ERX sx race.
  15. I'll bring mine along for the inevitable Polaris fire...
  16. Crnr2Crnr


    you guys don't seem to recall the somewhat silent recalls and primary cracks and explosions they had my guess is, Yamaha had a say in this clutch change @XCR1250 @Tommcat and a others had some input when the turbotards were blowing theres up on the HCS thread https://www.hardcoresledder.com/attachments/cpsc-clutch-recall-alert-pdf.2110406/ this was a monster thread https://www.snowandmud.com/snowmobile-chat/121136-kanedog-discovers-clutching-catastrophy-pics.html?highlight=Kanedog oh, and IRL2 the vibration situation @fortune46x, it's my opinion that was part of the reason they changed the TCL and top end for 20 & up - there were some harmonic issues a few savvy people sorted out. also believe there was a ring gear/flywheel, lower engine mount, updates somewhere in the mix if my memory is right. edit https://www.hardcoresledder.com/threads/ctech-8000-harmonic-related-issues.1870232/
  17. far as I'm concerned they can fire everyone in marketing and the crayon eating graphics department that's completely wasting financial resources, bring back engineers/tech/engine focused staff and right the ship. or, not?
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