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Everything posted by Crnr2Crnr

  1. been to a construction job site lately? lot of non-whites... except for the union boys.
  2. TRUMP!!!!!!! this thread had gone too far without that...
  3. did he have a twitching eye and mention anything aboot vaccines?
  4. well... yeah, pretty much. my father was a 'shop teacher' I saw it all firsthand. it wasn't just college either... apparently we now have a bunch of unemployed $200k p/y IT people to worry about. right @Bontz and @Matt? the first generation Hmong refugee in our area did, they also had fantastic family values and strong sense of community. the current younger generations have mostly acclimated to acting like every other entitled white person though. Merika!
  5. sounds like you guys have multiple issues to address up there @Voodoo
  6. he was just exercising his first amendment rights ....
  7. they're very special... even the one's who beat the shit out of the capital police!
  8. J6 tourists apparently What did Trump do for hours, aside from watching TV and throwing his food
  9. Imo there's a lot of people who are afraid to blend in with those in undesirable neighborhoods. honestly, I had more issues with the white trash in our ghetto than the Asians or people of color.
  10. are there no fixer-uppers in undesirable areas? two things ruined that market imo, house flippers and the 'youth' don't know how to fix anything themselves. dealing with renters in a multifamily complexes it's easy to quickly identify people who should be renters as many don't have a f'ng clue about maintenance, repair, remodeling, etc. of a home. IDK if it's the same where you are but we've raised a society of people incapable of doing very little for themselves.
  11. an entire society full of victims... regardless of political affiliations or income. what % do they even put down before signing the paperwork? trying to finding anything drivable/reliable these days for $10k is nearly impossible. older Camry's, Corollas, Civics and Accords bring good money, even with 100k on the clock.
  12. what would you know about tooling or manufacturing? you must listen to a lot of podcasts...
  13. don't forget the $700 per month car payment
  14. MC could use a room mate and riding buddy...
  15. yup... wants sell, rent and wait for the impending recession to buy at a reasonable price... ?
  16. what's wrong with a 'starter home' these days? that's what I bought in 1996 for $51k. gutted it, remodeled it while I lived in it and eventually turned it into a rental. was it in the nicest neighborhood or a highly desirable neighborhood? was I 'proud' of my home? did any of that matter to me personally? fuck no! sold it a couple years ago and between rent collected and appreciation did pretty well. imo we live in a 'want' driven society... everyone wants, few want to earn it the hard way.
  17. Biden's war on oil with record oil production and oil exports hurt your feelings. Dummy...
  18. careful, some here think everyone should own a big house, yacht, a new truck, sled and have $1 gasoline... on a middle class income. my wife grew up in a 1200sq ft house with her parents and four siblings, what makes gen-M feel entitled to the house of their desires? idk, but I bet it's wants vs needs... Nimbys eh? they want the benefits but not the compromises of the world. He lives in the sticks and has 60 acres-ish of hardwoods. Not a fancy house, nice shop, highly desirable land.
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