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Everything posted by Sleepr2

  1. Are getting 90% more service from the government? Why should they pay their way and yours? When you go fishing ,hunting , riding with friends do you pay expenses according to their pay stub?
  2. So just because someone has more you feel justified in taking there earnings. imagine of you had to steal it yourself rather than have the government do it for you?
  3. Red , and where does that money come from? Typical selective outrage from the left.
  4. Naw , you were just having fun with what you thought was a good gotcha, too bad it didn't work out.
  5. What do you propose to right this terrible injustice?
  6. Yet you'd rather whine about how that money is distributed rather than address the rampant waste a fraud in big government,
  7. The real deflection here, is you ignoring where that tax money really comes from in the first place,
  8. The top ten% pay 68% of the tax . tell the class why the left constantly whine about takers and makers?
  9. Says the Hiliery supporter Look at the federal budget and all the waste before you try and justify the theft of more money from the real taxpayers.
  10. BS, the left constantly whines about the evil rich not paying their fair share, face it , your gotcha red state meme is failing you
  11. Tell us what the left does to slow or stop wasteful spending? There is is, the lefts justification of the theft of other people earnings.
  12. What difference does that make on who pays the most in tax?
  13. Yours must be in large print. Can't do it without Duh underground eh? Another lib that cherry picks outrage, the left whines about the evil rich "not paying their fair share" while ignoring the fact that the 47%ers pay little to nothing.
  14. the whole point is your selective outrage, whine about states "paying more than their fair share" vs " the top ten percent tax payers paying 68 % of the tax while the 47%ers pay 3%. the oarty that receives the most from taxes pays 3%.
  15. It's OK , the gun is the problem, not the ideology of the shooter.
  16. BS ! you're a 47%er , or a typical liberal like Franken ,Daschle and Kerry. (liberal taxdodgers) and you and your pals lie constantly that the rich are not taxed enough, Your compassion is limited only by how much money you can take from others.
  17. LOL! stuck on stupid again eh?
  18. Maybe you and your 47%er pals should stop whining about the rich and pay your fair share if you think the government needs more money.? You keep pissing and moaning about other peoples money rather than realize you and your pals are living off the earnings of those evil rich.
  19. Yeah , these evil rich taxdodgers (like Rangel, Franken, Geithner, Dashole , Kerry , Kennedy, etc ) balk at paying even more of the tab for the 47%er that do nothing but whine about those that pay their way.
  20. On par with the wealthy? does that mean I'm supposed to agree with the theft of their money based on the 47% ers greed and envy? It's guys like you that that use other peoples wealth to justify your greed and envy for other people money rather than address the runaway spending and waste of our government programs . Grow up , your childish argument are ,laughable ......... ,,
  21. Please show where that is in the constitution?
  22. Like it or not the 47% pay little to nothing to help run the country but (like you) whine about those that pay the bills.
  23. Gee the companies that are paying the most tax seem to be theones the left whines about the most
  24. BS! Until you actually pay tax, stop whining about those that pay you way, that would be you and your leftist whining parasite libtards.
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