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Everything posted by revrnd

  1. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2018/08/02/ontario-hockey-coaches-must-talk-to-players-about-gender-expression-pronouns-according-to-ohf-memo.html Does this apply to atoms? What about the little kids in lax, paperweights?
  2. Well then maybe Horwath will STFU for the next 3 years 10 months.
  3. 1 in 7 Canadians have driven after smoking pot according to Stats Canada. CTV spoke to 1 expert that said he drove better after smoking cannabis.
  4. Could care less about buck a beer. It'll be shittier than PBR, Old Milwaukee or Coors Light.
  5. I wonder how much the lawyers will make?
  6. All this carrying on & idiots will still have children. If a Martian landed in Ontario & turned on the TV news they would think it was the most important issue facing the province. Insert Tab A into Slot B. Repeat.
  7. Yes, removing these statues will change things. Canadians are quick to criticize Americans about things & then are quick to do the same. Maybe Jewish organisations should go after the descendents of dead Nazis for what happened under Hitler's regime? Will JT apologize because our 1st PM was such an evil person? Last week in Ptbo there was a protest in from of the cenotaph by a group that calls itself the Peterboro Peace Network. They were comparing the nuking of Japan to how Canada has treated its indigenous people (WTF?) I thought it fitting that a B29 Superfortress was at the airport later in the week. Im surprised the old fucks werent down there protesting as well. I bet that Palmateer chick is happy about this.
  8. Maybe if we had politicians concerned w/ the economic health of the country rather than 'social engineering' we might get ahead going forward. A human rights complaint has been filed on behalf of an 11 year old trans child because the family say going back to the old curriculum is detrimental to the child. Thank God the NDP hadnt won or else everyday would've been Pride Day whether we wanted to hear about it or not.
  9. Growth? Wasn't the most recent stat released less than 1% ?
  10. https://www.thestar.com/vancouver/2018/08/08/city-of-victoria-to-remove-statue-of-john-a-macdonald-from-city-hall-steps.html One of the teachers unions here in Ontario tried to get his name removed from schools. This will just embolder them to try again. I think Wikipedia should be revised to show that between 1867 to 1873 and 1878 to 1891 Canada did not have a Prime Minister because of 21st Century butthurt. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/daily-poll-do-you-support-the-removal-of-victorias-john-a-macdonald-statue From the comments:
  11. Hey you old fart (JK) don't you know it's 2018? Seriously, Twitter should not be used by anyone (please block Trump's account!) when anything serious is concerned. His tweets passing on his condolences about any & all tragedies is pretty shallow IMO.
  12. He doesn't post much on the Ontario page...
  13. The Saudis are saying that the current diplomatic rift won't affect oil sales. The feds should tell them to get stuffed. It's not like we don't have our own oil. Premier Moe of SK has already said we should stop buying Saudi oil, just build the Energy East pipeline to serve the east.
  14. I was down to Orleans today. Thought I might stop in Ottawa to visit Justin, but I figured he probably wouldn't be around.
  15. I can't find the post, but someone mentioned the Somali community in Ottawa. Brought to mind the situation in Edmonton. https://www.thestar.com/news/investigations/2010/03/22/somalicanadians_caught_in_albertas_deadly_drug_trade.html https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/01/02/toronto_somali_community_concerned_about_resurgence_of_violence_in_calgary.html I haven't heard how things have been in recent years.
  16. I don't know what to think. He goes on & on about being a feminist and (insert Rip Taylor or Charles Nelson Reilly here) 'just loves' going to Pride parades...
  17. https://globalnews.ca/news/4373961/canada-saudi-arabia-tensions/ Next they'll be asking the Saudis if they have any plans to allow Pride parades in Riyadh.
  18. Like someone said on the news, you can't just stop someone you think might be carrying a gun. Anyone that thinks a gun ban will stop crime is delusional. The gangbangers are breaking all sorts of laws by their very existance. Are they going to care that the gun they're carrying are illegal?
  19. The Crying Game said the other day that she was 'keen' to get a NAFTA agreement. This was @ the same time when Mexico & the US were holding talks w/o Canada present.
  20. We dont have illegal immigrants in Canada...
  21. Watching the CBC news this morning and this was said before a commercial break (w/ the Parliament Buildings in the background) "Looking at the Parliament Budings in Ottawa this morning. Prime Minister Trudeau still hasn't said anything about the developing rift between Canada and Saudi Arabia".
  22. Too bad Justified isn't on anymore. He could do a guest appearance. By the look of his mug shot, you'd think he had passed out on the beach.
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