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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. Pandemics no different than war do not override the constitution. Much of what is going on should not be mandatory. A store can choose to not serve customers if they are not wearing a mask the govt should not be able to make it mandatory. A state or county can choose to close a park....they do it all the time for other reasons. They cannot and should not be able to make a law stating I cannot go visit my mother. I do not think they should be able to widespread close business' down when others like liq stores and pot dispensaries are kept open.
  2. See the one on the real horse soldiers? Its outstanding.
  3. Look forward to seeing it. There's been some really good one's on Afg. Restrepo was very good.
  4. Well its far more than just a cold but without question they will likely not push the real numbers as people might be upset at how it was handled.
  5. .22 lr to the right location will do the trick. Not for the weak at heart. The guys who maintain confinement buildings use to carry one in their truck. Now they have to use something different. Think No Country for old Men. I believe there are electric versions now. Process it just like a deer. Don't need a chainsaw to quarter it out. Just need to find the right part of the joints to cut. A sawzall or bypass lopper works too if you are too lazy or incompetent to find the joint. We usually use them to remove the neck and below the knee joints. Helps keep the knife sharp as well. Like you said the cuts don't need to be grocery store quality. All the trimmings just grind up into sausage. Nothing better than fresh pork breakfast sausage. 8 of us boned out 20 deer in about 4 hours this year. That's with plenty of drinking and grilling up fresh back straps along the way. Use to get as many hogs as we would ever need for free when one would break a leg and my buddy was running the confinements around here. After a few years they stopped allowing it. This was 8-10 years ago. Best sandwich I've ever had was a Porchetta smoked fresh out of a hog.
  6. Extrapolate that out to the 8.4 million people in NY state and 2.6 million people have had it. Lowers NY's mortality rate to .4%. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/23/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html The preliminary data suggests that many more New Yorkers may have been infected than was previously believed. RIGHT NOW One in five people in N.Y.C. who were tested for virus antibodies were positive, Governor Cuomo said. More than one in five people tested for virus antibodies in N.Y.C. had them. More than 21 percent of around 1,300 people in New York City who were tested for coronavirus antibodies this week were found to have them, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Thursday. The results were from a state program that tested 3,000 supermarket customers across New York State. Nearly 14 percent of the tests came back positive, Mr. Cuomo said. It was unclear just how telling the preliminary data was, as Mr. Cuomo acknowledged. And the accuracy of the antibody testing available in the United States in general has been called into question. But if the state’s numbers indicated the true incidence of the virus, it would mean that more than 1.7 million people in New York City, and more than 2.6 million people statewide, have already been infected.
  7. There are 38 cities in the US that have a higher murder rate per 100K people than is dying from covid in NY in the 0-44 age bracket.
  8. I could easily see 50% of American's having antibodies by summers end.
  9. Most shelter in place ordinances do not allow you to visit a friend or relative even if you stay outside and talk standing 10 ft away from one another. Kids in our area won't see their friends for weeks and weeks. Absolutely no reason 10 of them can't safely sit around a campfire and talk. There are plenty of rec area's and activities closing around the country I disagree with. There are some business' not allowed to operate that I disagree with. I disagree with immediate family not being able to be with someone in a hospital who is dying. https://governor.iowa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public Health Proclamation - 2020.04.16 - Region 6.pdf
  10. I think you mean .2% not .02%. Its likely that or less in the entire country or will be by summers end.
  11. Goes beyond going for a walk in your neighborhood with who you are living with.
  12. But lets tell families to lock themselves in their homes for weeks, possibly months on end. The CDC recommends providing services to people outside, and encouraging “social distance,” until individual housing units can be found.
  13. Its overly complex to ENCOURAGE people to get the fuck out of their homes while maintaining social distancing and increased personal hygiene guidelines?
  14. Got cried at when I mentioned this. A recent CDC paper suggested outdoors spread was far less likely.
  15. Keeping everyone locked in their homes is the best way to keep positive cases down. A report released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that 66% of homeless people in a San Francisco shelter tested positive for coronavirus, renewing concerns about indoor housing during the pandemic.
  16. Not one of the three (China, Iran or US) is believable.
  17. I use to somewhat think well its just Joe until you watch the videos and especially when I heard this. Biden: I've loved kids jumping on my lap. WTF is wrong with you man?
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