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Everything posted by Highmark

  1. Big win for the anit-globalization movement. Bet the Orlando shooting even had some impact down the stretch. All indications were that the people of GB were insulted by Obama's speech. Big surprise.
  2. What's sad is people like you, Vince and Shitrider don't care. God man the woman wants to be President. These are not lies and accusations made up by some vast right wing conspiracy. These are facts released by Justice Dept and Investigators at the State Department. Her own aid just took the 5th over 125 times when being questioned about this. I can understand if you want to post shit on Trump but don't sit here and claim your not pro Hillary when you say hardly nothing negative about her.
  3. Trump and the SuperPac's haven't gotten started YET. This will come up plenty.
  4. Gives automatic weapons to terrorists, wants to take semi-automatic weapons away from American citizens.
  5. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/melanie-hunter/more-600-benghazi-security-requests-never-reached-clintons-desk-reports (CNSNews.com) – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acknowledged to the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday that of the more than 600 security requests related to Libya and Benghazi that came in in 2012 before the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack none ever reached her desk. However, Blumenthal’s 150 emails reached her desk, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) said. POMPEO: "Do you know how many security requests there were in the 1st quarter of 2012?"CLINTON: "For everyone or for Benghazi?"POMPEO: "I’m sorry, yes ma’am. Related to Benghazi and Libya. Do you know how many there were?"CLINTON: "No."POMPEO: "Ma’am, there were just over 100 plus. In the 2nd quarter, do you know how many there were?"CLINTON: "No, I do not."POMPEO: "Ma’am there were 172ish – might have been 171 or 173. … How many were there in July and August and then in that week and few days before the attacks? Do you know?"CLINTON: "There were a number of them. I know that."POMPEO: "Yes, ma’am – 83 by our count. That’s over 600 requests. You’ve testified this morning that you’ve had none of those reach your desk. Is that correct also?"CLINTON: "That’s correct." POMPEO: "Madam Secretary, Mr. Blumenthal wrote you 150 emails. It appears from the materials that we’ve read that all of those reached your desk."Can you tell us why security requests from your professionals, the men that you just testified … are incredibly professional, incredibly capable people, trained in the art of keeping us all safe, none of those made it to you, but a man who was a friend of yours, who’d never been to Libya, didn’t know much about it – at least that’s his testimony – didn’t know much about it, every one of those reports that he sent on to you that had to do with situations on the ground in Libya, those made it to your desk?"You asked for more of them. You read them. You corresponded with him, and yet the folks that worked for you didn’t have the same courtesy."CLINTON: "Congressman, as you’re aware, he’s a friend of mine. He sent me information he thought might be of interest. Some of it was. Some of it wasn’t. Some of it I forwarded to be followed up on. The professionals and experts who reviewed it found some of it useful, some of it not."He had no official position in the government, and he was not at all my adviser on Libya. He was a friend who sent me information that he thought might be helpful."POMPEO: "Madame Secretary, I have lots of friends. They send me things. I have never had somebody send me a couple of pieces of intelligence with the level of detail that Mr. Blumenthal sent me every week. That’s a special friend."CLINTON: "It was information that had been shared with him that he forwarded on, and as someone who got the vast majority of information that I acted on from official channels, I read a lot of articles that brought new ideas to my attention, and occasionally, people including him and others would give me ideas. They all went into the same process to be evaluated."POMPEO: "Yes, ma’am. I will tell you that the record that we’ve received today does not reflect that. It simply doesn’t. We’ve read everything that we could get our hands on. It’s taken us a long time to get it, but I will tell you, you just described all of this other information that you relied upon, and it doesn’t comport with the record that this committee has been able to establish today."
  6. Whats funny is he is loaded and or high.
  7. Benghazi alone disqualifies her to be POTUS. What vast foreign policy experience did Bernie have or Obama before he ran for POTUS?
  8. I have no problem barring any non-US citizen from getting a gun however, just because a biased govt official calls a US citizen a terrorist with little to no oversight and ZERO due process doesn't mean they can take away your Constitutional rights. I'm not the one gone man....you are. Reality is I'd like to kick out EVERY Muslim in the US that doesn't have a valid Visa and EVERY one that does should be investigated. Bet you don't agree with that. When it comes to US citizens the Constitution should always trump knee jerk reactions to things as far as non-citizens are concerned anything including profiling goes. Did you agree with WW2 internment camps of US citizens? I didn't. How many Muslim refugee's do you want let in?
  9. So experience even if its mostly bad decisions is a good thing in your book? You need to watch 13 Hours of Benghazi. I don't like much of what Trump does but he is a far cry better than Hillary. I once posted I would never vote for Trump and I'm man enough to admit I've changed my mind mostly due to the disaster Hillary is. From the liberal leaning Politifact http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/statements/2014/may/19/ron-johnson/hillary-clintons-state-department-reduced-security/ Johnson said that before the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, "the State Department not only failed to honor repeated requests for additional security, but instead actually reduced security in Libya." State Department headquarters in Washington did refuse repeated requests from its ambassador in Libya for more security personnel. And it decided not to accept an offer from the Defense Department to extend the stay of one of its security units in Libya, reducing the level of security that was available. We rate Johnson’s statement True.
  10. You can't make this shit up. It was beyond an epic mistake. I mean, what was Bill Clinton thinking? At an event in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Clinton called for putting “the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/mar/21/bill-clinton-calls-obama-legacy-awful-potentially-/ http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/12/obamas-biggest-critic-thursday-night-was-bill-clinton-not-bernie-sanders/ Yet Hillary wants to continue what Obama was doing. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jan/19/hillary-clinton-touts-success-of-obama-policies-to/
  11. The cure for low prices is low prices. The cure for high prices is high prices. Problem is with agriculture its not a pure market. People were still paying $10K + for crop ground when corn was $3.50/bushel. Input costs of around $700 per acre it takes 200 b/a corn to break even. Not a problem when FCI guarantee's you that amount.
  12. Just going by what I see everyday around me and the facts in the article. Not debating that farm subsidies shouldn't be cut back for all of them. I wish I could buy profit insurance as cheap as they can buy crop insurance and not worry about over producing or prices being reduced because of supply and demand issues I contributed too.
  13. Nope just prefer him over Hillary or Sanders. Reality is its a sad day in America when we have 2 candidates as poor as the 2 left. Can you admit Hillary is a poor candidate for POTUS?
  14. Can you name me the top 5 largest corporate grain farms? I think you got your facts wrong. I can tell you living in Iowa the vast, vast majority of Corporate Farms are simply family farms that have incorporated. Large corp farming as I know it is more in hog and cattle production. Most hog confinement buildings in my area are owned by corps or have the corps hogs in them and these are not family corps. http://www.motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2013/09/does-corporate-farming-exist-barely A USDA study released in August found that 96.4 percent of US crop farms are "family farms," or "ones in which the principal operator, and people related to the principal operator by blood or marriage, own more than half." That number doesn't leave a lot of room for corporate farmers, does it?
  15. Not really. Plenty I dislike about Trump but anyone is better than Hillary.
  16. They kind of are. Pure fantasy.
  17. To DC and make America great again. You honestly think Britain would ban a sitting US President?
  18. MSM owned by corporations completely biased towards dem candidates yet people think Citizens v. Unitied was ruled incorrectly. Freedom of speech doesn't just extend to those that claim to be the press. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/rich-noyes/2016/06/20/tv-news-feasts-trump-controversies-while-ignoring-hillarys-scandals MRC analysts reviewed all 1,099 stories on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts which talked about the presidential campaign between January 1 through June 7, including weekends. This tally includes 950 full reports and interview segments; 66 short items read by the anchor; plus 83 stories on other topics that included some discussion of one or more of the candidates. The overall amount of campaign airtime is extraordinary: 2,137 minutes of coverage, or more than one-fourth (26.1%) of all evening news airtime during this period, excluding commercials and teases. Nearly half of that airtime (1,068 minutes) was spent talking about Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, compared to 583 minutes of coverage for Hillary Clinton. Clinton’s rival for the Democratic nomination, Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders, came in third, with 366 minutes of coverage, more than any of Trump’s GOP rivals. Compared to Clinton, a much higher percentage of Trump’s airtime (40 percent, or 432 minutes) was spent discussing the controversies surrounding the Republican’s candidacy. Only 18 percent of Clinton’s coverage (105 minutes) was spent discussing similar controversies, as network reporters paid scant attention to stories that would have garnered far more airtime had Trump been involved.
  19. The same people who desire a purge probably want a zombie apocalypse too. I have to laugh at a big portion of the nerd, Walking Dead crowd. Talk about it like it would be cool yet would be dead inside the first hour.
  20. Its hilarious MC, who supported Bernie because he was some kind of an outsider now are saying its Hillary's inside experience is what makes her electable. You really can't make this shit up.
  21. 1. Weapons of Class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. 2. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. 3. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. 4. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. when the Purge concludes. http://theweek.com/articles/445216/what-purge-real Cities would burn to the ground. It would be an economic disaster beyond calculation. Insurance would cease to exist. Criminals don't pay attention to laws now why would this change things? Its "I blame my problems on others" fairy-tale nothing more, nothing less.
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