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Everything posted by Anler

  1. NO, and i am not saying asbestos is "safe". Im saying that you dont know the circumstances regarding the lifting of the ban on certain items because it has been done before. You are the one presuming that the market is now going to be flooded with asbestos products and everyone is going to die because of TRUMP. Dont you think I would be a little concerned if they were just going to reverse all asbestos regulation being as I make my living from that? Why would anyone pay to have asbestos removed if they were going to start putting it back in buildings?
  2. YES! Actually the EPA said several years ago that vermiculite is now considered asbestos. It may or may not contain asbestos but the methods used to detect its content are not very reliable so they just say its asbestos. It was used for house attic and wall insulation quite extensively and I cant tell you how many calls I get from home owners freaking out about it once they find out its in their house. IMO completely harmless.
  3. I really should have read that post better. Its already full of shit because it again refers to asbestos as a toxic chemical, which it is not. It is a mineral that is mined from the earth. A fibrous mineral. And is not toxic. If anything the evaluation may have involved using an asbestos product to handle toxic chemicals. which it has been used for in the past.
  4. Well being youre a liberal and believe in science and shit you should go to the OSHA construction standard 1929.1101 or EPA NESHAPs guidelines and get your info from there. If asbestos was a known skin hazard every single person in my industry would be affected. None are. We are not required by any regulatory body to wear impermeable suits while handling asbestos. In fact in some states that dont have their own state regulations you dont even need to handle some forms of asbestos building materials as asbestos. Anyone can remove it and throw it in the garbage. But you are getting off topic trying to look righteous here. Lifting the ban on certain products will have zero affect on your life or anyone you know.
  5. Ive got over 1000 hours of training and certification on asbestos. Licensed by 3 states. Sit on an advisory panel for work standards in industry that advises regulators and contractors associations and and on the board of directors for a contractors association that negotiates with labor unions and lobbies legislators governing regulations. Your resume?
  6. This is some lawyer propaganda. Asbestos is not known to cause cancers of the skin. Mesothelioma is the marker disease for asbestos and the latency period is like 30 to 40 years. In comparison. If you work with asbestos and dont smoke you only have a 5% chance of getting cancer. If you smoke and dont work with asbestos you have a 20% chance of getting cancer. If you smoke and work with asbestos you have a 90% chancce of getting cancer
  7. Unlike asbestos lead IS TOXIC. So, no they arent going to re-introduce lead back into products. Because its poisonous. And i make a lot of money removing lead. $$$$$
  8. Bottom line is the stigma on asbestos isnt going away. Nobody is going to buy products with asbestos. Architects are not going to write specifications for use of asbestos building products. In fact pretty much EVERY construction specification explicitly says NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING PRODUCTS SHALL BE USED. Most states and local governments have environmental enforcement departments and regulations. Can you really imagine manufacturers taking the risk of reintroducing asbestos back into the marketplace? who the fuck would do that? There is far too much liability. But they will use it for certain applications that asbestos is best suited for. Most likely industrial applications where its properties are unmatched and immediately human safety is the main objective. Just like it already has. And because they lifted the ban tells me that some industry association already put the science and data before the EPA which proved why it was necessary.
  9. do you know what really killed the asbestos industry? It wasnt regulation, it was the tort lawyers. They bankrupted them. Had asbestos manufacturers implemented worker protections and PPE when they knew the dust was harmful (like they do for fiberglass, silica, gypsum and other dusts) they could possibly be still making the shit. They put asbestos in millions of homes and buildings and ill bet you dont know of one person who died or got sick from asbestos because it was in their home. Fuck I removed over a thousand cubic yards of asbestos from buildings and schools this year already. And I am going to do that for the next ten years most likely. $$$$. Thanks joo lawyers!
  10. You just dont know what you are talking about. For one, asbestos is NOT toxic. You can rub it on your skin, eat it, stick it up your ass, it is not poisonous. And like I said, the EPA already lifted the ban for certain applications YEARS AGO. Because they havent found suitable replacements and in life safety situations the immediate risk to safety takes precedence over potential long term effects. and futhermore... OSHA still governs worker protections for handling asbestos. The EPA cant and wont change anything there. Canada still mines asbestos and they still use it is various products. The human risk is almost nothing if the precautions are followed. Just like working with any other material that causes dust. The EPA and OSHA just passed a silica standard for construction. WHY? Because breathing of silica dusts cause the exact same problems as asbestos. Nobody is banning silica. Are the going to allow the use of asbestos in all consumer goods and construction materials again? No. You are just being a reactionary retard as usual.
  11. Also, asbestos is a natural mineral that is mined from the earth. It is non-toxic so soil and ground water are unaffected because it is already in there.
  12. Being in the asbestos business for 30 years now, not all asbestos is necessarily dangerous and its only dangerous if you breath the microscopic fibers for long periods of time. Just about every house or building built before 1980 has or had asbestos in some form in it. We were all exposed to it our whole lives and still are. It was and is in everything. Why? because it is a fantastic product for what it is used for. Its chemically resistant, fireproof, non-corrosive, super strong. And the reality is they have not found suitable replacement for it in some extreme applications. One could argue its a life safety issue in some instances where its heat and fire resistance is unmatched. I know first hand that the EPA lifted the ban years ago for certain items for that reason. So before you sissy faggots get all panicky you should educate yourselves a little bit on the subject.
  13. Anler

    Well Duh!

    You sound mad, bro.
  14. But fox and cnn are mainstream networks. People believe what they say. Alex Jones is just a lone nut saying ridiculous shit.
  15. It's way more ridiculous bro. You have to be dumber than the average librul or neocon to believe his bullshit. Like flat Earth shit.
  16. Me either, I haven't given a shit about football for several years now. Probably doesn't help that the bears haven't been worth watching for 30 years...
  17. Well yeah,Elvis was white.
  18. You can't fix that dude. This culture is generations deep now. I think we should do like Louis Farrakhan wants and give them a part of the country to claim as their own. And make them all go there.
  19. FYI, guns are not illegal in Chicago...
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