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About revkevsdi

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  1. 12 Jurors approved by Trump’s lawyers found him guilty on all counts. Gotta give the republican spin doctors credit that people think Trump is innocent.
  2. You think Trump isn’t lying???? Fucking hilarious. You definitely belong in Florida.
  3. It doesn’t matter. Trumpsters haven’t met a crime that would cross the line.
  4. What happened to you? You believe the dumbest shit. Hopefully you live full time in Florida now because it suits you.
  5. You mean the fake electors that Trump tried to use to steal the election? Do you hate America enough to ignore his treason?
  6. Absolutely but he gave Republicunts exactly what they wanted and suddenly Trump told his base to reject it. Republicunts are too stupid to be allowed voting privileges
  7. I remember dumbfucks on here claiming Merca was a laughingstock when Obama was president. Not a touch on how much they laugh at Trump.
  8. EV’s are the vehicle of the future. If it’s the Silverado ev for camping or it’s a car there is not ice vehicle that can compare. That doesn’t mean that the old fart that started this thread should buy an ev. He’s way too stupid to figure out charging etc. but who cares the cars are better, cheaper and way more fun to drive. Let the stupid people keep supporting Saudi Arabia.
  9. If they had half a brain they’d realize he is guilty of all charges and more. They just went after the easy ones. It’s amazing that the law and order party are ok with Trump being an elitist and getting away with so many crimes. Or the family values party voting for such a shitty family man. The people that make jokes about black men having kids with multiple wives should be embarrassed to have Trump represent them.
  10. I’m glad you are back. It was sad how butt hurt you were. Poor little fella.
  11. He definitely has it dialed in. He knows that facts don’t matter to the cult. He may be a shitty business man, husband president etc. But he is really good at telling his base what they want to hear. How else could a POS like him be the top Republican?
  12. Hey Jack Reach Around, you’re back. Last time I was hear you were out sulking. Make sure you don’t address facts. Just keep believing a billionaire who cheated on every wife, cheated on taxes, took money from foreign governments and talks shit about soldiers who died for their country cares about losers like you.
  13. Great exchange of fact vs fiction and a clear representation of how fact averse Trump voters/faux news watchers are. Kudos to you Steve for your patience. Do these people have any answer for why Trump killed the bipartisan border deal Republicans and Democrats hammered out? It seemed like Republicans got most of what they wanted and the democrats caved in. But Trump needed something to talk about in the election so he told them to drop it. I guess it’s not such a border crisis if it can wait another year.
  14. Yesterday I charged 50kw in 15 minutes for $20.00. Most of the time at home it takes 10 seconds to plug in and it automatically charges at the cheapest rate than $5.00. I’d gladly spend the extra few minutes on long car drives if the trade off is no trips to the gas station 90% of the time. As for most people having them aren’t ice cars piling up on lots too? All the big 3 are offering up to 25% off new trucks. They were hugely overpriced junk but I think their discounts are bigger on ice trucks than EV’s.
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