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Everything posted by ArcticCrusher

  1. The vax is causing more mutations, that's just natural science and really isn't arguable. The vax doesn't stop shit, hope that's clear.
  2. Are we clueing in yet or is vanity fair gonna one up you. Ffs already.
  3. I told you there isn't any one way or another. Can you use your blind faith in science knowledge to prove anything?
  4. You can still get covid if you are vaxxed, and you can still transmitt covid if you are vaxxed and you can still die of covid if you are vaxxed. Let me know what I missed?
  5. How's its working out for you. Andy is a real journalist, you dumb fuck.
  6. You're the one thing to run meaningful stats on what I call statically noise. 10 deaths a day are you fucking kidding me moron.
  7. Well did you? Science will never prove or disprove God. To hang your hat on that tells me everything, you have zero understanding of real science.
  8. Name one story the national pulse has written that was false?
  9. If that's the case then there should be no old people dying. Check again.
  10. Against Revs totally false data. We have 10 covid deaths per day you are trying to run meaningful stats against. I said it was meaningless from day one and still hold that view. Where is the data that the vaccine is a game changer, I'll wait.
  11. You are trying to run some type of meaningful stats on what amounts to 10 covid deaths per day. You are amplifying noise. Nobody is dying of covid period.
  12. Oh look another rare side effect. For the mentally challenged, there is a news link to the nationalpost.
  13. Vax rate here is about 85%, so the deaths are higher in the vaxxed if the chart shows at 10% unvaxxed vs 90% vaxxed. Why does your chart separate the vax between boosted and fully vaxxed. They need to be added together, right, then compared to the unvaxxed status and there is no point to even having this discussion. What a fail.
  14. Andy Lee random twitter. Fucking moron
  15. Well considering Twitter just hosts the news link, but lets stick to the MSM playing catchup to the truth.
  16. You are full of shit. Here is Ontario 2 weeks in Feb. Dead is dead.
  17. Two of the best minds. "Russian Roulette" Take a spin.
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