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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. He did tweet that I just found it Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States! 3:07 PM - 2 Aug 2016
  2. I guess you are having troubles understanding the meaning of doing this skit? I not about denial its about being funny
  3. at least I will go down as a President - 'phone drop' bam
  4. MicroSpookyLeaks™ @WDFx2EU7 Mobile software engineer, I do naughty things to computers, drones, and IOT devices; I can barely read; Armchair autist; #Trump2016 Ya this guy just got lucky and a video sent to him and only him
  5. ducks rigging people votes momo wtf is the matter with you? I take it you didn't watch the video. its on their website you tool all about the ducks https://www.democrats.org/Post/donald-ducks-makes-his-debut
  6. of course you would just like every other 10 year old
  7. A good part of those comments are said daily on this site so its no surprise.
  8. classic was Don's = Michelle Obama gives a speech and gets rave reviews and my wife gives the same one and gets nothing
  9. Actually Trump hasn't laid out anything other than spewing the same old shit - Fix debt too funny Fix trade even funnier RICH GETTING RICHER? that is exactly what USA stands for FREE MARKET wtf just ignore the fact USA is doing well today - GDP will not be changing and is the new norm but keep buying the hype. All these fuckers do is spew BS all day everyday in hope someone grabs the hook, its rare that power doesn't change every 8 years just like clock work
  10. Who would think there is a button just sitting there with instant launch Jesus Momo there is a chain of command to go through On that note Madonna says Blow Jobs for anyone that votes for Hillary the offer this is how she does it
  11. common knowledge - you do know this is to initiate a strike and not to defend against a strike which is automatic When Donald is Prez it won't matter since we will chum up with Russia and a few other countries according to Don. Don had some good moments last night that is foresure
  12. He made the statement not me, if you are going to say the economy was great when obama got office and wasn't good when Bush got office then fine - clueless but fine I am good with your opinion
  13. lol it was the women cop that took the dude down The big cop couldn't or didn't do it. Just pointing out there are plenty of weak men that can't do the job either.
  14. come on AC try to keep up - 8 years under Conservatives and only 4 under Liberals Anyway he made the statement and I thought it was funny
  15. interesting statement 2000 Republicans won over Democrats because the people prospered and economy was at its peak 2008 Democrats won over Republicans because the people were poor, economy in worst shape since the 1930's 2016 does this mean the people have prospered and will vote Republican now? That is the difference - Was that what you meant
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