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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. what a fucking voice Ronnie is sweet
  2. This is who you want to run our Country, as along as the CPC flag flies you don't care what direction we go Classic ONEWAY voting I truly hope PP loses he isn't good for Canada nor the CPC party but serves the base well with hate
  3. Trudeau has not made any comments on CPC leadership facts are right out of PP's mouth Ban all Ministers from attending any event he deems wrong. Fire Bank ceo and take over banking system withdraw from UN Crypto coin instead of our funny money ban mandates that might save you and make them a choice. Get involved in court cases he deems unfair Fire all top Doctors and install news ones with his uneducated views on viruses and diseases I really don't think you understand what PP is doing or you would not vote for him - the PARTY OF ALBERTA isn't that strong
  4. PP will set you FREE and ban all things he is against This is his platform it is comical and I have no doubt CPC sheep will vote him in hands down. More to the point that CPC is going even more far right - you can't win in Canada with that mandate
  5. nice try - tell me again who is in all these Hotels? and which hotels? Doug is asking for more IMMIGRATION
  6. You really need to stop with the GOLDEN PUP bs Do you even understand what a Immigrant is? compared to refugee? Google it then come back like you knew the difference Fact is DOUG WANTS TO BRING IMMIGRANTS TO ONTARIO
  7. PP will lead us into having the FREEist country in the world by first banning all things he disagrees with, you may not attend or even speak too WEF UN And Climate forum Under PP government you will be FREE to do as he allows How fucking dumb are these ONEWAY followers?
  8. PP to ban any contact with WEF Fire all BANK ceo and take over banking system with his own people Ban all health mandates and put in place a free choice system Ban Police from stopping Conservative protests Put standby soldiers that bad mouth Canada on a pedestal and remove dishonourable discharges from affecting these heroes This guy is completely fucked - another life long politician claiming he is just a regular guy that has been apart of the 1% wager his entire life off tax payers The Party of WACKOS is gaining steam
  9. Doug again asking for more immigration for Ontario to help with employment. CPC and the followers love immigrations I love hearing "the liberals want immigration for votes" "damn liberals and their immigration" "vote CPC no immigration and defund CBC "
  10. Too much to count, she is flying across Canada for gala's and dinners on your donation
  11. Tamara Lich isn't too bright or really likes the attention she gets in jail. She thinks our courts are a joke and it amazes me the amount of people calling her a hero.. Good thing her bank account(s) are full so she won't be losing her home and stuff like that while she hasn't worked in months.
  12. Almost confirmed by Golden Pup that Trudeau did in fact order Rogers shutdown as a warning to those that text against him. REBELNEWS has a video coming soon
  13. I hear Trudeau shutdown ROGERS because he didn't like somethings he has read in peoples texts I got this from Golden Pup so we know it is true
  14. They are using the 'R' word often in the past week, you guys are hoping so eh!
  15. That is what the stupid twitter title said his government indicated they will start censoring "misleading political communications" on social platforms and in private messages. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS going after misleading private messages
  16. so these people are fighting for the right to share misinformation
  17. why would you? facts and proof of accusations has never been an issue why start now
  18. CPC party is fucked up Can't release info on Brown as the investigation is on going. If it is on going why did you have a vote to get rid of Brown before the investigation is finished? That is how we do things in the party of Alberta does anyone have an issue with this? ONEWAYs may speak freely
  19. The only person I am sure I don't like is PP - he is running for the Far Right Wacko vote. And Barber is whacked too.. CPC will toss him under the bus if he loses the next election, this is a for sure Just more inner hitman from the Conservatives, Patrick was ousted by "Doug Ford" on false accusations too Funny when Conservatives have a front runner on video buying memberships for others it is ignored and that person becomes leader.
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