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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. As Doug Ford said I wasn't involved so I don't have to answer to the inquiry Yup nothing is a lot of Doug's day
  2. He is waiting for OntarioProud to tell him is theory
  3. OPP billed Federal Government $500k for tow trucks it used to remove abandon convoy trucks and stragglers under the Emergency Act (OPP lied saying they didn't use the ACT when in fact they did) PP to way in soon
  4. Well there you go Trudeau was OKAY in calling the emergency act on those thugs. Province of Ontario was pointed out as a failure to do anything (Partisan governing) Was there any doubt? Convoyers are not what Canadians stand for
  5. These Business owners complaining about Convoy shutting down their business for weeks should fuck off these convoyers have the right to shut you down FUCK TRUDEAU These owners should realize that CONVOY was there to fight for their freedom to open your store we all agree right? fuck the owners
  6. Must of been a poor attempt since Trudeau didn't win a majority, China needs to try harder.... I always like when someone uneducated in Politics gets educated, you are on your way AC learning about stuff. One thing we do know is the attempt failed according to Elections Canada FIPA rules The secrecy shrouding the much-delayed Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) with China makes it hard for experts, let alone average Canadians, to figure out what benefits this country will see from the deal. While reporting on Prime Minister Stephen Harper for the first time, during his visit to China in early 2012, I wrote a column with the headline Great Glorious and Always Correct, which began: “If Stephen Harper ever gets tired of being Canada’s Prime Minister, he might like to consider a second career in China – he’d fit right in.” Used to a degree of give and take with previous prime ministers on the road, I had been struck by Harper’s similarity to a Chinese official surrounded by a servile entourage, and by the transformation of the parliamentary press gallery into a steno pool.
  7. Never has any Party LIED so much it is really getting out of hand and the fact people are buying the lies is even more disturbing
  8. Roger sounds Okay for an old guy This was Yesterday the guy is a machine not quite Jagger but up there
  9. although we are exporting more crude than anytime in our history PP continues to spew the CPC lies for his base. According to Alberta government running for re-election the economy is booming and jobs are increasing, but PP lies when it comes to facts Trudeau is at fault for giving Putin our energy sector Bring it home
  10. What a fucking joke Triple Triple Triple NO one has food, what are you people doing to help your starving nieghbours? I think if you BBQ steaks would be in insult to your starving nieghbours
  11. There is nothing PP can't solve He will protect Canada by installing an early warning system holy fuck Clearly PP on the world stage would be very bad for Canada When PP was signing 30 year deals will CHINA what was he thinking
  12. We are bringing farming home WTF who buys this snake oil?
  13. These 2 are the most divisive Leaders in Canada
  14. That was you guys today at city hall wasn't it?
  15. All problems are now Trudeau's it is no longer any Province Premier problem to solve he actually said this Then says Trudeau made a law requiring release of violent offender Listen to PP stumble over his talking REPEATS (Not points) Apparently Trudeau is giving out drugs for free
  16. PP will be around later today telling you have Trudeau has caused the worst housing sales for a January in near 20 years. TRudeau caused this
  17. Attack on Canada a balloon CanadaProudless What attack? What wasn't taken care of? PP will be strong against balloons and would attack China if they did this instead of being a coward
  18. Come on AC at least try to defend your completely stupid statement you take a beating like ToSlow "$6000 a night is peanuts compared to Harper" is what you meant to post
  19. we are in the day and age of 'spew your lies and we'll take them as fact' DOCS show although we can't show these DOCS trust us they are real
  20. No slogans just facts and speaks on what can help Canadians CPC could use a lesson here
  21. What a joke CPC is and this guy is "Yes PP anything you tell me to say I will" Triple triple triple by the way Hydro doubled under Doug Ford
  22. This is why reporter should not be allowed to ask any CPC MP a question, as numb shit here tries to get his stupid party's repeat points out the question remains We are not here to ask me questions about me we are here to repeat 8 years of Trudeau slogans True North isn't happy with CPC being asked a question
  23. cool CPC is going to take over house building I wonder if the Provinces know this
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